Sunday, March 19, 2023


 It will be official tomorrow.  Spring arrives.

This little robin knows it is coming.  He has been back for at least two weeks.

The budding branches testify that it is about time.

The swing under the old peach tree has been more than ready for someone to come sit a spell.

Even these two friends sense the change in the air.

Lastly this yellow daffodil couldn't wait.  He decided to bloom before tomorrow.

Happy Spring to each of you.  May tomorrow bring renewed hope in your heart.

Hugs Debbie

"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself." Matt:6:34 a (NIV)



  1. Happy Spring to you, Debbie! I was at the Brooklyn Botanic Gardens yesterday and there were quite a few magnolias that had buds, a few cherrie trees with tiny white flowers, and lots of spring flowers. It was so nice to see!! Enjoy it all!!!

  2. Hugs Debbie! Happy Spring!
    Budding trees make for big smiles.

  3. We've been waiting, waiting ... and suddenly it's here. SpRrinG!

  4. For yes, beautiful season, the countryside awakens from its winter lethargy everything is covered with a green mantle, along with autumn is an ideal season for painters.
    Happy week.
    Best regards.

  5. Happy Spring! Loved your email! Love you!

  6. Yes, Spring is bursting out all over. Love it!! Happy Spring Debbie

  7. Oh, the yellow daffodil already in bloom. You know, I used to have two beds of yellow daffodils at our old house. It was such a delight when they opened during the day. I love that photo of the swing under the old peach tree. It looks like it's on top of a hill? Your dogs must have the best time roaming your area. Happy first day of Spring, Debbie. No Spring here yet, but there's rain, so soon. ; )


  8. Beautiful post. Happy spring to you!

  9. Feliz Primavera Debbie!! Hermosa manera de ver reflejada esta estación florida y de días mas cálidos. Por aquí en el fin del mundo(Argentina) ya entramos en la estación de los tonos amarillos y naranja, el otoño ya nos regala días mas frescos.. Saludos!!

  10. Happy Spring to you too Debbie. The blackthorn is out here along with some gorse and I have done my annual climb into the thorny bits to get just the right angle for a photo ;o) The doggo thought I had gone quite mad but she should be used to it by now. It's lovely to see everything starting to bud and even a few sleepy bees. Best wishes.

  11. Spring is now upon us, and flowers are budding, and trees are leafing, their rainbow of colors, giving hope once again. Thank you for sharing your beautiful photographs.
    Happy Spring dear friend.

  12. Good on Debbie! You're a hard worker in everything : reading, chores, farm, family, prayer, reading and arts! Yet, always you show the deep faith. I admire you. Take care in the early spring. We're getting into an autumn. ((Hugs)), best wishes, Sadami


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