Sunday, March 26, 2023

Season of Hope

 Spring - the season of hope!

It begins slowly and gives us a foretaste of what is to come.  The patience that comes in the wait is what builds the muscles of  hope.

Cold blustery days leave for a bit and then they return keeping us still looking for the time when the ground warms and the flowers begin to bloom.


Sunny moments that come briefly begin to visit more often.

They start to lengthen and our hearts once again begin to hope.

So it is in life friends...we all face cold and blustery moments but just like when the sun starts to shine and the flowers begin to bloom - we find that much needed dose of Hope!

God Bless and may each of you find a Season of Hope.



"the Lord delights in those who fear him, who put their hope in his unfailing love."  Psalm 147:11 (NIV)


  1. For behold, the winter is past, The rain is over, it is gone:
    The flowers appear on the earth; The time of singing is come, Song of Songs 2, 11-12.
    Grace be with you

  2. What a sweet post this is, Debbie, of Spring and hope. You have flowers blooming already! The sun has melted our snow, but it's still really cold in the mornings, in the 20's and 30's. I love those tiny purple flowers growing in your garden. I appreciate this wonderful post on this Sunday afternoon.


  3. Happy to see that spring is arriving in some parts of the country. Lovely images! Thanks for leaving a note on my blog. Enjoy the season!

  4. I really like that of the Season of Hope, spring we say here that blood alters, after the winter lethargy everything seems to have life.
    Happy week.
    Best regards.

  5. Hugs Debbie
    Beautiful post
    Thank you for the crocus reminder
    I need to remove some branches I put out for the birds.

  6. I love your photos that show us the small wonders that give us hope as spring gives the plants a little sunlight. Have a wonderful week and may the hope of the season fill your heart!

  7. Happy Spring! May hope arise in this time of blossoming and redemption. Blessings and Love from Japan❤️

  8. So beautiful and uplifting! Good to keep in mind, especially on a gray and rainy day as today.

  9. Lovely photos and a lovely post. Though I'm a few thousand miles away from you, I have the same spring flowers growing in my garden. Isn't nature wonderful?


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