Sunday, March 5, 2023

Lovely March Day

 It was such a lovely March Day to be outdoors.   Who can resist sunshine and blue skies?  

  Spotted this blue squill blooming amidst last year's garden debris.  It made me smile.  Such a tiny flower but in no time the entire garden will be bursting with little spring bulbs. 

Speaking of gardening - these seed packets called to me from their rack at our local store.  Yes, it is a bit soon to start planting outdoors.  Not so, though for getting a head start inside.  I will find a sunny window and plant a few seeds.  Hope that will help the wait :)!!

Thought this rosy sky made a great end to a lovely March day. 

Have a blessed week!  



"But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently."  Romans 8:25 (NIV)


  1. Good morning, beautiful post-we are enjoying spring weather too, although it is still pretty cool in the mornings and windy. Love your sky photo and I saw that moon too-hugs Happy new week

  2. The tiny blue squill made me smile. Those tiny buds have a way of pushing themselves out into the sunshine for us to enjoy. They must know we need to see them right now. Have a wonderful week!

  3. My garden is already buzzing with spring bulbs ... Snowdrops, Crocus and Glory of the Snow, the latter being very similar (or the same) as your blue Squill. I love spring.

  4. Lots popping up in the gardens now around here Debbie. Such pretty seed packets - hope they do well come late spring into summer.
    Have a fabulous week.
    Mary in NC

  5. Beautiful photos
    Seeds started already here for flowers only.

  6. We have touches of Spring here, too, in Maryland. Daffodils are blooming and I am noticing "stray" crocuses here and there in the most unlikely places!

  7. Lovely post :o) March has arrived wet and cold here but I am ignoring it and will starting off seeds here at the weekend too. Both of those sky photos are absolutely divine (nothing but grey/white here) they have cheered me up no end. Best wishes.

  8. Happy first smile of the spring dear Debbie :)
    Lovely little bloom!
    What a mesmerising sunny day. I love to look at the bright glorious shiny sky. I am never tired of it :)
    Best wishes for your gardening. Will be looking farwared to see your garden flowers.
    Hugs and blessings

  9. No spring is showing itself here in northern Minnesota. Cold and snow all around us, and more coming in this weekend. Yesterday was beautiful though as the slow snow fell as I sit on my couch looking out the window all warm and cosy. Spring will come though, just later than most parts of the states. By the way, where do you live Debbie?

  10. Sighting that tiny bit of blue squill coming through last year's garden debris - now that is glimpsing a bit of heaven in an unexpected place! A tiny treasure. Thank you for your lovely thoughts as we look forward to Spring. Wishing you a happy day, Debbie! xo


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