Sunday, February 26, 2023

Touch of Spring

I am seeing a touch of spring.  The pussy willows are in bloom.

They generally are one of the first harbingers to let us know warmer days are on their way.

To celebrate their arrival thought this  old song by Gordon Lightfoot "Pussy Willows, Cattails" would be fitting.

Hope you enjoy friends!  Have a wonderful week.



"Flowers appear on the earth, the season of singing has come, the cooing of doves is heard in our land."  Song of Songs 2:12


  1. Debbie, thanks for this. I hadn't thought of Gordon Lightfoot in forever. Good memories.

  2. I love the small signs of spring!

  3. The favorite pussywillow places to pick them are gone around here. They were either mowed down or horribly broken off. Gathering them was mother's delight each spring, telling me where and to be careful to take only a few using pruners.

  4. What a beautiful post! Hello spring!

  5. Spring is stirring here too. It has been quite warm here today.

  6. There a few signs of spring around. I saw batches of crocuses today that made me smile. Tomorrow they may be under a little snow. I love Gordon Lightfoot, but I never heard this song before. Thanks for sharing it. I hope the storm isn't too bad by you. Have a great week!

  7. No Spring here yet. We got a big snowfall today, and supposed to have another tomorrow. I'm looking out the window, and it's all white.....and very pretty. I like the verse you shared today, and those sweet doves that coooo softly. The most gentle bird.

    Have a blessed week, Debbie.


  8. Yes, plants begin to wake up from winter lethargy, wise and constant nature moves, melodic and beautiful song.
    Happy week.
    Best regards

  9. Dear Debbie, Your posts are so thoughtful and beautiful, yet, drawn from a daily life. Enjoy your family life, a doggy, lovely sketches in a beautiful nature. Have a productive and creative week! ((Hugs)), love and smile, Sadami

  10. Oh heartfelt happy arrival of the spring dear Debbie :)
    i can imagine the joy one feels to see these spring buds at this time of the year .hope for bright delightful season fills the soul with joy and serenity :)
    may you and loved one enjoy the each moment of bliss amen

  11. It has felt like Spring in February here but I fear March is about to bite us on the backside with cold. I hope it stays nice for you, it lifts the spirits to see everything budding. Best wishes.


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