Wednesday, November 16, 2022


Can it be really?  Yes friends, it is snow and I am not ready!

Just a week ago it was in the high 60's, warm and sunny.  Today it is in the low 30's and cold.

The Calendula are saying "we are not ready either".  

I don't think the cosmos have ever been blooming this late in the season. For sure never when it has snowed.

Guess it is here whether we are ready or not.

Definitely time for a warm cup of cider.  

Hope everyone has a wonderful end to your week.



"Come now, let us reason together, says the Lord.  Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow;"  Isaiah 1:18a (NIV)


  1. We had a wintery mix yesterday for a short period over here in Maryland. Today it warmed up a little by afternoon but not like the balmy weather we had 2 weeks ago. The rest of my ferns were taken by this week's freezing overnight temperature. Hard to believe it's Thanksgiving already next week!

  2. That is a surprise! So sudden. Stay warm, Debbie! Hugs!

  3. The first snowfall was kinder than I thought it was going to be. I expected mid November snow. Years gone by, mid snow and then no snow for a while is, I think, a pattern.

  4. a good reason to have hot apple cider 😊

    snow makes everything cozy inside!

    ""Come now, let us reason together, says the Lord. Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow;" Isaiah 1:18a (NIV)

    Amen. Love this verse. 💜

  5. It feels sudden this year doesn't it? We have had nothing but dull and dreary rain for what feels like days but sunshine today so I am making the most of it. It won't last long. Nature does seem to be a little caught out herself. I have shrubs flowering again that should be flowering in Spring! Best wishes - how is your puppy enjoying the snow?

  6. Ready or not! We just got our first significant cold front, which means it's now in the 70s instead of the high 80s. I'll take it. At least for the next few days, it's going to be drier. Time for some hot tea...

  7. Wow... a touch of snow! I guess we shouldn't be surprised, but Mother Nature has been gifting us warmer days that we got used to and it is a shock to return to what the weather actually should be. The poor plants must be confused. Here in NY our mornings have been just above freezing but it warms up to the low 50s so far. But it has been windy which makes it feel colder. I've been sitting in my car to sketch and stay out of the wind. Enjoy your cider and the chill in the air!

  8. We have snow here, too, Debbie, after two weeks of history breaking warm weather. I am NEVER ready for he snow and cold. Enjoy your weekend. xo Diana

  9. We aren't ready for it either! I'm hoping for just a few days in the fifties-but it probably won't happen! Praying always :)

  10. Bonjour chère amie,

    Brrrr ! Oui effectivement un rude changement ! La neige tombe ! Dame Hiver s'invite déjà !
    Il est tant de profiter de ces moments de pause où l'on déguste le chocolat chaud, un bon thé ou... un cidre chaud (je n'en ai jamais goûté, chaud) !...
    Ici, chez moi à La Cadière d'Azur, il fait très beau et les températures plus fraîches aujourd'hui atteignent les 17°C. Hier nous avions 23°C. La lumière est très belle et nous bénéficions en ce moment de très beaux couchers de soleil.
    Je te fais de gros gros bisous, bon week-end.

  11. You got your first snow! It looks like a dusting. We already had our first snow, but it was only a dusting too. We usually get lots in December and January. It seems that everything is still for awhile when we have the first real snow day. The hot apple cider sounds wonderful, Debbie. And your house looks charming. I love the verse you shared today. It is perfect for your snow post.

    Have a restful and lovely Sunday.


  12. Hello. The flower is surprised at a sudden snow.
    Keep warm and enjoy this season.

  13. No snow in the south , we are basking in 60 degree sunshine :)
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours dear friend.

  14. I think this time it came early (the snow)


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