Wednesday, September 14, 2022


 Yes I am Wanted!

My name is Kelsey but my alias is  peepoochewpup!

I arrived at Harmony Hills a few weeks ago.

They are hoping that in time I will not have to be in the slammer.  Upon good behavior and training it is possible in 6 months that parole will be granted.

Of course that means I need to change my ways.

As you can see by my cage that destruction is my method of operation.  There also may be other issues needing addressed.  

In the meantime, upon the head warden's approval some recreation is permitted.  Of course only under the watchful eye of the guard dog Schindler.  He seems to have taken a liking to me.

Well folks it is nice to meet you.  I think you will be seeing more of me in the coming months.

For now I am once again under lock and key.  At least there are 3 hots and a cot in this joint!

Have a great rest of the week.

P.S. The mistress says she is sorry for not posting earlier this week...hoping to get back on track for the rest of the month.


From Harmony Hills

"Listen to advice and accept instruction, and in the end you will be wise."  Prov. 19:20 (NIV)


  1. Hello there Gorgeous! I am looking forward to getting to know you. Have some ear will grow into them eventually ;o) - I know you are adorable and I am only teasing you beautiful floof.

  2. Aww!! What a sweetie! Schindler has his work cut out for him! Love to you!

  3. Oh, you got a new dog! I'm so happy for you, Debbie. Kelsey will become part of your family in no time. I look forward to getting to know you a little better, Kelsey. : )

    Have a sweet September week.


  4. Oh how lovely Kelsey is. I hope she learns to behave better soon :)

  5. Welcome, Kelsey!!! I am sure you will be released before you know it. How wonderful that your mistress has a new, special friend to keep her company. Debbie, this is great news...except for the destructive part. You were missed! Welcome back!!

  6. Hi, Kelsey! You are beautiful and sweet! Hugs and kisses to you from the humans, the cats and the red dog in the Manuel household.

  7. Oh my goodness. Kelsey is adorable!! Hope she learns her lessons quickly and becomes a wonderful friend to you!

  8. How beautiful, I have always liked dogs very much, we have not come to have for reason of spacity, the big ones especially the German shepherds, and mastiffs, the big breeds I like even more.
    It has a plant that will surely be an extraordinary dog in a few months.
    Best regards.

  9. Kelsey is utterly adorable! Great choice of Proverb also.

  10. Kelsey looks like a sweetie-hopefully the training will go well-hugs happy new week

  11. LOL, now you've done it! Hope you enjoy the puppy antics.

  12. What a sweetie , I am sure that in 6 months time Kelsey will be a well behaved puppy !


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