Sunday, July 24, 2022


It has been six months since I chose "listen" as my perfect word.   

It is challenging at times to slow down and take time to focus on being quiet and allow the silence to speak.

Also I have to ask myself am I a good listener of others.  So often in the rush to share thoughts or happenings one misses the words of a friend or a loved one.  

Listening is a skill to be honed.  For myself and perhaps others it is not always easily achieved.

It takes hard work and a true desire to want to hear the heart of another soul. 

As I revisit my perfect word of 2022 am hopeful that in some small way I will have learned to "listen" just a bit better than when the year began.

For all of you who chose a "perfect word", how are you seeing it manifesting in your life?

Take care dear friends and have a lovely week.



P.S. Thank you all so much for your thoughts and prayers regarding Shelby.  She is still with us and we are grateful.       


 "Let the wise listen and add to their learning..." Prov. 1:5 (NIV)



  1. Silence is golden, as the saying goes. I need it. I know I need to work on being a better listener.

  2. Listen is a perfect word, Debbie. And it's one that is so important, as we don't often listen to the person next to us talking. My son actually listened attentively last weekend when I poured out some thoughts that I was troubled about. It was refreshing to see that. Thank you for this reminder to all of us to listen more to the people that are sharing their hearts with us.

    Have a beautiful week.


  3. Good post
    I forget what my perfect word is.

  4. I think most of us are in too much of a rush to slow down and listen. I know it is true for me and I need to work on it. I hope you have a wonderful week and listen to what is around you. Enjoy!

  5. Thanks for words to remind me to listen. Have a good week.

  6. I try to listen but it's not always easy. Sometimes I'm guilty of zoning out because there are too many thoughts in my head.

  7. Dear Debbie,
    I try to listen with my heart.

  8. O and I react on your comments, on my blogs.

  9. What a beautiful word. When I think of listening, I think of slowing down. I hope you're able to slow down as much as you like! My word of the year, simpler, has been a valuable help to me as a navigate a lot of change and turmoil. It's helping me let go and not overcomplicate various areas of my life.


I love reading your comments. Thanks for leaving one.

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