Sunday, January 2, 2022

Quiet Space

The week after Christmas has always been a favorite of mine.  It is the quiet space between saying good bye to the old and hello to the new.

The hurry and flurry hopefully has passed. There is time to reflect on what has been and what will be.      

Time to make plans.

Time to dream of places to visit and artistic endeavors to pursue.

Time to explore a new book.

Time to make a list or two.

All of these I did.

What about you?  What does the week after Christmas look like in your world?

Hope it allowed for a bit of quiet space. 

Wishing everyone a wonderful New Year.

Next week - will share my perfect word for 2022.

Maybe you will share yours too.



..."In quietness and trust is your strength..."  Isaiah 30:15 (NIV)


  1. It has been quiet since we took the tree down. I've been writing more. It feels like the holidays zoomed by. I have high hopes for 2022.

  2. Happy New Year, Debbie!🎉

    Slow days puttering, doing those little fixes that patiently wait.

  3. It has been busy, but I hope to find some quiet time this month. I love your drawing. God bless you!

  4. Happy New Year!!! This week is usually on the quiet side since all the hustle and bustle of getting ready for Christmas is over. I did finally get to go visit one of my sisters in NJ who I haven't seen since the Covid restrictions started so long ago. It was great to get back to an almost normal feeling being with her, but then I heard about other family members and friends who tested positive for Covid this week. It makes me realize that nothing is a given and how appreciative we should be for those we love and the time we can spend with them. Wishing you health and happiness in 2022!

  5. Debbie, I know what you mean, these days are the quiet days after Christmas, and I do enjoy them also. I filled out my calendar, like you, and that's always fun. The hummingbird you drew is wonderful, and it's such a precious little bird. I love the verse you shared today, and I will remember it all week. I hope the new year brings you many good things, Debbie.


  6. Mine has been busy seeing grandchildren before they go back to school. I did manage to get all my calendars for next year filled with birthdays, etc. and write in all my Christmas journal, and photo albums brought up-to-date, but did not get to write my blog post about my word for the year. If I don't change my mind before I get it written my word is Learn.

  7. Good job, Debbie. The Austin Pastel Society always has a deadline of the first Monday in January so I end up pushing to finish paintings for that so busy week. As you know I do procrastinate! I always like that we have leftovers to eat and no cooking. Hope you have a great new year.

  8. I love the quietness of January too. I bought some hyacinths in a pot to celebrate that one day spring is coming. Can't wait to hear your word for the year. I haven't decided yet. Wishing you a wonderful 2022!

  9. The quietness of January is good. Things have settled down and hunting season is over here (thankfully), but it is February when I get restless and long for spring. We have big snowflakes falling right now and it is so pretty.

  10. Happy New Year, Debbie. Love will always stay with you. Stay safe with your family, too. Love, ((Hugs)), Sadami

  11. It was a strange week this year with all of us stuck in quarantine. I wasn't in the best of moods.

  12. I too like the quiet time after the holidays. I hope you have a great week.

    1. Lisa hope your new year is good. Miss your posts. Bet you are pouring over the garden catalogs. Have a great day. Hugs

  13. This year I'm with you. For the past several years, I have spent each one waiting for Autumn and Christmas. After Christmas always seemed bleak. Maybe because I only "half way" experienced Christmas this year because of surgery and recovering there of, I am really enjoying the beauty of Texas' extended fall.


  14. Normally, I spend the week between Christmas and New Year's day just like you do, but this year I had a friend visiting from out of town and a lengthy vet appointment for my horse. Even though those things were amazing and necessary, I really missed my reflection and planning time. How can I feel behind during the first week of January?! I'm trying not to think like that...just slowly ease into the year, doing a little bit of reflection and planning and resting every day. Happy New Year, Debbie! Hope it's a wonderful one for you.

  15. I agree with you , the peace after the 'storm' is so welcome. Wishing you a wonderful and healthy 2022 .

  16. It is quiet here too. We are in a lockdown for the omicron variant.


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