Sunday, January 23, 2022


Winter is certainly here!  Last weekend we received 12" or more of snow.  Today, a week later we are seeing 4-5 additional inches.

Our peach tree looks rather forlorn without her leaves and fruit.

The garden has a completely different look when it is buried under a blanket of snow.

Keeping the bird feeders filled is challenging.

 These fine feathered friends need substantial sustenance when the snow arrives.

Well this is what is happening in our "neck of the woods" this weekend.  Hope you will take a moment and share what is happening in yours.

May all of you have a blessed week.

Hugs !


"Have you entered the storehouses of the snow"  Job 38:22a (NIV)


  1. The landscape is absolutely beautiful covered in snow. Hope you're able to enjoy it somewhat.

  2. Wow, y'all do have a not of snow!
    Stay warm!

  3. Wow this is allot of snow-so far here at the lake in the ozarks-no snow-but we have been very very cold here. stay warm hugs

  4. Love the photos. Snow is so pretty when it is fresh and cars haven't driven through it or vehicles haven't plowed it. Thanks for sharing these especially the one of the beautiful silhouette of the peach tree. All we got here was barely a dusting of snow, but it has been very cold and windy. There were a few days I didn't want to leave the warmth of my living room. Stay safe and warm. Have a wonderful week!

  5. Lovely! We got some here this week too. 💙

  6. It looks beautiful! Love your birdfeeder! Here in the Netherlands the weather is gray and mostly wet. More autumn than winter. Have a great week!

  7. Spectacular snow, always beautiful although it has its drawbacks, is part of nature.
    Happy week.
    Best regards.

  8. I like seeing the snow at your place. :-) We have gloom and rain today. We need the rain so won’t complain. Our typical wintry day in Central Texas.

  9. Brrr! It's very beautiful, though I imagine not so easy to get around in. We are enjoying some cold weather, and it's sunny today, so I'm thrilled. Hope you have a warm and safe week!

  10. Oh Debbie, I just did a Winter post too, and wondered about the weather conditions with my blog friends. And then I saw are really in the heart of Winter. Your photos show a beautiful picture of it. I hope your garden will be Ok by Spring. I love that photo of your peach tree. It looks so mysteriously pretty.

    Well, it's very cold here too, and I've been staying inside the last week or so to stay warm. It was freezing when I got in my car this morning to get groceries. But I'm learning about how to live through the Winters here, so all is good.

    Have a terrific week, Debbie.


  11. Bonjour chère Debbie,

    Wouhaou !! Cette épaisse couche de neige apporte une vision si différente effectivement ! Le manque de soleil apporte une impression d'endormissement. Je pense qu'avec les rayons du soleil, le spectacle doit être magnifique. Ton adorable copain à quatre patte doit se régaler.
    Pour les fêtes de Noël nous étions dans la maison de vacances de l'un de mes fils à la montagne. La neige était bien présente également en quantité... En revanche, chez moi dans le sud de la France en bord de mer, nous avons des journées très agréables et ensoleillées. Cela fait une dizaine de jours que nous prenons nos repas de midi à l'extérieur. Le mimosa est en fleurs ce qui apporte une belle note printanière. Je t'envoie plein de soleil et de gros bisous

  12. Your photos are beautiful. We have quite a lot of snow too. Lots of ice-which is so scary to walk on. Your doggies love the snow I'm sure! We are looking ahead to spring and peepers and warm sunshine...Take good care!

  13. These are just lovely. I hope you enjoy them from a cozy window with your puppies and a hot cup of cocoa.

  14. These snow pictures are simply beautiful. I can't imagine getting that much snow. We were excited about getting 3" last week. :) Our dogs, Eli and Ellie sure enjoyed playing in the snow. They would have a blast in your yard.

  15. Wonderful landscape with the snow. I just hope the snow is not so thick so that it is still easy to drive around. Oh I love those little fellows hanging on your bird feeder.

  16. Beautiful and fairy like shots, absolutely gorgeous the photo of your dogs .It would look really good in a frame !

  17. I can't imagine that much snow! It looks beautiful and lovely to see the doggos enjoying it.
    Best warm wishes ;o)


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For The Birds

 Winter would seem long if it were not for the birds.  They flock to the feeders when the first snow comes and they keep me entertained when...