Sunday, December 5, 2021

For the Birds

 If it were not for the birds - winter here in Ohio would seem quite dreary.

This sweet sparrow is one who visits often.

In doing research I was surprised at how many varieties of this species abounds.  Chipping, American tree, song , fox, swamp, white throat are just a few to mention. 

This little fellow is perhaps an American tree sparrow although his crown is not orange.  Identifying them can be a challenge because the females may have different markings than the males.

For the most part they seem like very polite birds.  They are quite amiable and seem to not mind sharing with others.  In fact I often see them side by side happily munching their brunch together.

Well friends if some of you are needing a fun past time to make winter not seem so long, you might enjoy taking up bird watching.  It can be quite fascinating as well as entertaining.

Till next week God Bless!

"Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them.  Are you not much more valuable than they?"  Matthew 6:26( NIV)


  1. Hi Debbie, we love bird watching too-and here on the lake now we watch the geese, ducks, pelicans, lots of different species-we have been watching loons early mornings now. Happy new week Hugs Kathy

  2. I love sparrows. They are the most frequent visitors to our garden. And I am reminded of the same scripture you wrote. His eye is on the sparrow.

  3. Hi Debbie, just this afternoon from our kitchen window I heard something making a noise outside. When I looked at it, I saw little bird just playing around the shrub plants with almost dry leaves. Maybe the little bird was having some food there and just enjoying his time. I enjoyed much the moment of looking at that little one. I am not really good in naming birds but surely I love them. Nice painting.
    Have a blessed days ahead.

  4. Bird watching has always been a pleasure for me to do. We have the Robins, Blue Jays, Mourning Doves, Woodpeckers, and our California State bird, the Quail. They are so funny with the feather on top of their head. Sometimes they come by the dozen and visit me on my front lawn. The little Sparrow who visits you is cute, and how sweet that he comes around often. I love the verse you shared. It's so true, and thank you for the gentle reminder. Have a good week, Debbie.


  5. Sparrows are common here. We take them for granted but I enjoy their chirping.

  6. Oh, how sweet & adorable, a little polite friend who comes visiting! And he got a wonderful portrait done! Thanks for the reminder, Debbie. I forget to notice the birds in winter in the way I notice them in spring. It means I have to go for more walks!

  7. I am glad you have some visitors to watch through the winter months. I'm not good at identifying birds or even telling one from another. I am always impressed when people can tell which is which. Enjoy your week and enjoy your birdwatching!

  8. Debbie-your painting is so beautiful! I see these sparrows too, and they make a cute sound in the early evening in winter when they hide in our privet headges. We love to feed and watch birds too. I think doing that is part of my DNA!

  9. How lovely, your sketch is very sweet, Debbie. We have two bird feeders in our garden and sometimes I believe that absolutely all sparrows from Lower Saxony take their breakfast, lunch, and dinner at our garden. :D :D But we're living near to the woods, so we have various birds at our too.

  10. What a pretty sketch, Debbie. I remember being surprised when I first learned there different breeds of sparrows. Who knew? They are sweet little birds.

  11. I love it too. Birds. This one is so cute.

  12. I love birds and in the winter time I always put out fatballs with seeds for them to eat. Love observing how they behave, some are more agressive and some quite timid, just like us human:-) Your watercolor is so pretty and accurate, perfect little birdie !


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For The Birds

 Winter would seem long if it were not for the birds.  They flock to the feeders when the first snow comes and they keep me entertained when...