Sunday, November 28, 2021

Last Days

These last days of November have passed far too quickly.

What leaves remain on the oaks will most likely stay until spring.  It makes me think it is their way of holding on to their attire through winter's sojourn.  

A few remnants are scattered on the ground but they will probably be carried away when the cold winds of December arrive. 

Chippy Chipmunk is thinking he had better get busy gathering his acorns before they are covered with snow.

I too need to prepare as autumn takes her leave and savor these last days of November.

Take care and have a great week.



"In the last days, God says I will pour out my Spirit on all people.  Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams."  Acts 2:17 (NIV) 


  1. You have a great week too, Debbie!

    I love that verse. 💙

  2. Lovely photos of the November look to your area. Enjoy these last few days. Have a wonderful week!

  3. I too hate to see the end of Fall -- I have so LOVED seeing all the color on our trip to the mountains -- but yes, it's time to prepare for winter - and enjoying all that Winter has to offer.

    1. Lin we know winter is on its way. Been thinking though that in reality it may seem like it is here for a great long time but really only lasts about twelve weeks a year. Generally January is our most challenging month. As you can see I am looking on the bright side. :)!!

  4. It went so fast! I hope your winter will be healthy and safe. Maybe lots of time to paint too!

  5. Cold weather arrives too fast this year, yanking November right along with it.

  6. The painter who painted my house has a bunch of chipmunks scurrying around his house messing things up. We don't get the chipmunks here, only the squirrels, and they also can be mischievous. They look a bit different from each other, don't they? I love to see the seasons around your neck of the woods, Debbie. Such a lovely place you live in.

    Have a wonderful week.


  7. Lovely photos to remember your fall season.

  8. Ja, lovely photos, like Jo said in her comment. I like the "Chippy Chipmunk" . We haven't them around here. Cold weather arrives here too. Last Saturday there was even a thin layer of snow higher on the hill. My husband went out for a run with his group and came back shivering. It's time for hot coffee, or winter soup.

    Oak leaves and other autumn leaves are nature’s own soil improver, recycling nutrients and adding the humus that plants need to thrive (source: gardenersworld. com).


    As Autumn shows its colors,
    as it releases its golden hue
    I am reminded why it is Lord
    l’m so much in love with You.

    As I watch the season change,
    You my Lord, remain the same
    I’m reminded of Your glory
    when I say Your blessed name.

    As Autumn’s breezes come,
    trees shed their brilliant leaves
    I am reminded just how much
    in You Lord, I trust and believe.

    As the first rains begin to fall,
    causing rivers to rise and flood
    I am reminded of my safe harbor
    under Your Son’s precious blood.

    The seasons they all are varied,
    but Autumn is ever changeable
    Lord, I love it most because . . .
    it reminds me, You’re unchangeable!


    Psalm 90:2

    “Before the mountains were brought forth,
    or ever thou hadst formed the earth and
    the world, even from everlasting to
    everlasting, thou art God.”

    Deborah Ann Belka

  9. Beautiful photos and I especially love Chippy. We don't have chipmunks down here. That's such a good photo of him.

  10. I always enjoy November because I start to anticipate Christmas and, once December rolls round, I get as excited as a child.

  11. Debbie, hot cocoa and whipped cream sounds wonderful. I forgot about that. I usually just put marshmallows in it, but now I must get some whipped cream! Have a good rest of the week. : )


  12. Oh, that little chipmunk face! Hope December is starting off as pleasantly for you as November ended.

  13. Hi Debbie,
    Time passes so quickly. Beautiful photos of autumn that is almost finished to give way to winter. I loved the photo of Chippy Chipmunk , he is so cute.
    Have a great weekend

  14. Around here in my area the trees are without leaves, winter already appears with its low temperatures, its frosts, its cold.
    Happy Sunday.
    Best regards.

  15. aww... wonderful views...
    thank you for sharing.

  16. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a lovely comment Debbie. Like you, I'm looking on the bright side regarding winter weather which here in NC is usually not too harsh thankfully. Christmas is rarely a white one as you may have further north, although secretly I always hope and pray for one with just a dusting to make everywhere look clean and bright while the lights are displayed!
    Have a great week ahead .
    Mary -

  17. I always love your quiet observations of the world around you...Thank you, Good December to you!


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