Sunday, November 21, 2021

Family Favorites & Fond Memories

With the coming holidays it seems fitting to visit this cookbook my Mama created forty four years ago. It was one of my wedding gifts.  What a priceless treasure - a gift that can not be replaced. 

Packed within these pages are family favorites sprinkled with fond memories.

On the first page is a lovely note written to me.


Thumbing through I spot Grandma's Pie Dough Recipe.  She made the most delicious pies.  

Her homemade rolls were the best ever.

There are some notes written to the side.  They are mine.

Was it not yesterday that this young bride called her grandmother to get better instructions and write a few additional tips? (Ah how the passing years fly!)  

Grandma was one of those cooks who did not need a recipe.  She just knew how much flour was needed by the feel of the dough.

Unfortunately I did not inherit her gift.  It is still necessary for me to consult a few directions.

This 7-up Salad is a favorite of mine.  Hubby used to tease Mom because she had such a variety of ways to hide jello. He would often ask her if there was some hidden in something he was eating.  Only a rare family dinner did not have it being served in one form or another :)!   

Well thank you sweet friends for letting me share some family favorites and fond memories.
I hope all who are celebrating Thanksgiving this week will have a blessed one. 

To those who are not - may your week be filled with joy and many blessings.



"Let us come before him with thanksgiving and extol Him with music and song."  Psalm 95:2 (NIV)


  1. What a treasure those notes and memories are!

  2. This cookbook must be such a special treasure for you! When my first niece was getting married I sent everyone in the family a few recipe cards and asked them to write out at least one of their favorite recipes for her. I know I have many of my mother's recipes that I still use (especially her chocolate chip cake, babka, and pierogi). I think they are special to everyone in our family. I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving! Enjoy the day and all the memories that come with it. Hugs!!

  3. Bonjour ma chère amie,

    Il est vraiment très agréable de te lire et de découvrir ce bien précieux que celui de ce recueil de cuisine. Une belle manière de conserver des liens entre les générations.
    Avec ma grand-mère nous échangions des recettes, comme je le fais à présent avec mes enfants.
    Ce trésor que tu as reçu est wouhaou !!
    Je te fais de gros bisous

  4. Oh this book is true treasure! I know because I have such a book from my grandma, who is in heaven now. She was a fantastic cook. It is glorious to have the recipes for the foods that she made and that are all wrapped up in loving memories of her and our family. I just love my book and I konw you love yours too. Thank you for sharing such a beautiful post! Happy Thanksgiving!

  5. Trying a 2nd time to enter a comment...I've been away from blogging. It's wonderful to see you're still here. The book is such a sweet, tender treasure, Debbie. As are you.

  6. What a precious treasure your recipe book is. I also have some hand written recipes from my mum in my binder. I know I'll hold on to them forever.

  7. What a treasure this cookbook is that your Mother gave you, Debbie. And to go back and read some of the notes and recipes from your grandmother is so special. I also just wing it with the ingredients sometimes like your grandma, as I've been cooking for so many years, but with recipes that have to be precise, I will measure. What a lovely plate that is also. Thanks for sharing this cookbook with us, Debbie, and may you have a pleasant Thanksgiving this week. : )


  8. It's our connection to those who we can no longer touch. I'm glad you have this.

  9. What a lovely keepsake from your mom. Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving, Debbie.

  10. Awww, so sweet. Lovely memories. My mom was famous for her piecrust. When I was a couple years married she was sick and I had to cook Thanksgiving. I asked her where her pie crust recipe was. “What?" she said. "I don’t have a recipe, I use the Pillsbury pie crust sticks!" She had never mentioned this when everyone was complimenting her. Ha. (You may not remember those, they came 4 in a box like sticks of butter, one per crust so a box made two pies. Before frozen crusts.) Happy Thanksgiving.

  11. Debbie, Happy Birthday today! It is good to be a november - child, isn't it? God bless you.

  12. Hi Debbie, I miss visits to your blog. This is a beautiful treasure and all hand written. My mother did something similar but it was photocopies and she cannot cook- LOL!! But I have kept it as a memory of her. I hope you had a nice Thanksgiving and wish you wonderful Holidays!!xx


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