Sunday, November 14, 2021


 Can you believe we went from this autumn scene

to this snowy one in a few short days.

I am sipping hot cider, watching the snow fall, and writing this post.

There is a box of tulip bulbs needing planted, a yard full of leaves awaiting a rake, and a garden not prepared for winter's visit.  

Will there be a reprieve?  One can hope.  The forecast promises a warm up mid week and possibly time to get those final chores complete.
We will see.

In the meantime here are a couple of wonderful books to help me adjust to the weather change.

Sarah Clarkson's book is superbly written.  She shares her own walk through mental illness and how the truth of God's love and goodness brings light into the dark.  I would recommend it to anyone who has ever struggled with depression and despair.  "This Beautiful Truth" is beautiful.

"Lost Castle" is by an author that is new to me.
Kristy Cambron's novel has thus far captured and entertained my enjoyment of the past being bridged with the present.  The story takes place in Loire Valley, France encompassing three time periods...the French Revolution, World War II and present day.
Definitely a lovely read.

 Well dear friends thank you for stopping by this afternoon.

Hope you all have a lovely week.



"If  you can" said Jesus.  "Everything is possible for him who believes."    Mark 9:23 (NIV)


  1. Debbie, you already had your first snowfall there. It looks so pretty. We are still in
    Fall here, but it's cold, and there's snow on the mountain, so it won't be long for us
    either. I wish I read like you do, but it's hard for my eyes to read long books any more.
    I think it's time for a new pair of glasses. Thank you for this beautiful verse today,
    Debbie. And I DO believe.

    Have a pleasant week ahead.


    ps.....I smiled when you said you had a pile of leaves to rake in your yard. Me too!
    I'm hoping nature will take care of some of them. ; )

  2. You have snow! 😃 I wish we did too.

  3. I can't believe you already had snow! It looks so pretty with the white, but I know it sort of took you by surprise. Hopefully it will melt quickly and you can get those chores done. We had severe weather here. I was out sketching and a tornado watch announcement came over my phone. I know what to do at home but where do you go in an area that is pretty wide open farmland? Have a safe and wonderful week!

  4. No snow here but an hour north of has had a bit of snow-cold windy rain but we are getting a break too with a couple warm days thrown in-hoping to get back to my garden rock project.
    Happy new week

  5. What lovely simple pleasures you're enjoying while you wait to see if you can wrap up your fall-to-winter preparations! I admit I have a romantic view of snow since I've never lived in it. It seems like it would be wonderful to live in a place with four seasons, to have the chance to get as tired of being cold as I get of being hot. Those books sound wonderful as well.

  6. IT's been relatively warm here in coastal NC, but evenings are getting cooler and cooler ... Hope you are enjoying your autumn while it's with you! I LOVE IT!

    1. Lin been missing your posts. Hope you are enjoying a wonderful autumn.

  7. I'm going to look up those books. Thank you for sharing them. We had a tiny bit of snow on the goldenrods (which are a beautiful brown shade now) and my leaf pile on the garden. It's all gone now!

  8. Beautiful photos. You can keep your snow even as lovely as it looks! We have no fall color so nice to see yours. I smiled to see the photos and what you are reading.

  9. It is very charming to go from autumn to snowy winter in such a short space of time, and more accompanied by good reading.
    Best regards.

  10. I do remember that in the north, as much as I loved autumn, it seemed to only last until the first heavy rain or snow, then the leaves were gone and the trees were bare.

    I am definitely looking up the mental illness book. I have close family that suffer from various kinds of mental illness and the subject has always fascinated me.

  11. That is an amazing difference in such a short time. You have the same chores awaiting that I have. Been waiting for my wrist to heal so I can rake leaves and also cover the garden. Worries me everytime I pass the garden and see it cold and unprotedted from the cold winter months. Sounds so cozy...sipping cider and watching the snow fall...would love to join you. :)

  12. Same here, Debbie. We had leaves and sun one day and then 2" of snow overnight. Looks like it will be winter from here on out. It seems once it snows in November it is here until Spring. I am NOT ready for winter...but then I never am. Nothing like good reads to get us through the cold months. xo Diana

  13. Our weather has been cold and gray since a few days ago. Not a good day to walk and enjoy the remaining autumn leaves on top of the trees. But it is nice to see your beautiful autumn colors and snow fall in your area. What a wonderful nature is. Have a great time, Debbie.

  14. Hope you're enjoying the snow. It seems early this year but what would I know? I think I might enjoy Lost Castle. Thanks for the recommendation.

  15. Bonjour ma chère amie,

    J'espère que la météo est plus clémente chez toi, ainsi tu pourras terminer les tâches automnales...
    Chez moi, dans le sud de la France en bord de mer, nous n'avons jamais de neige ou alors elle pourrait une nuit nous donner l'illusion qu'il va y en avoir !! Ceci dit les paysages enneigés sont si merveilleux...
    Je te souhaite une bonne lecture tout en sirotant du cidre chaud ou un vin chaud !!

    Gros bisous

  16. Snow is something we can never have in my part of the world...have fun!

  17. awesome views ....
    Thank you for sharing summary of good books


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