Sunday, January 17, 2016

"His Eye Is On the Sparrow"

Photo  by dn
An old hymn "His Eye is On the Sparrow" always comes to mind when I see these sweet birds at the feeder.   The words were written by Civilla D. Martin  and then set to music by Charles H. Gabriel.

"Why should I feel discouraged, Why should the shadows come, Why should my heart be lonely And long for Heaven and home, When Jesus is my portion?  My constant Friend is He: His eye is on the sparrow, And I know He watches me;"

Other songs have become more popular at church these days. Many are beautiful as well.   Many have lovely words .  Many are joyful.
Yet in certain times when life seems overwhelming and winter comes to the heart...there is wonderful comfort in the thought that the One whose eye is on the sparrow also is the One who watches me.

"Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them.  Are you not much more valuable than they?"  Matt: 6:26 (NIV).

Have a blessed week.



  1. Thank you for the beautiful hymn today, Debbie. And what a sweet bird in the photo.
    blessings to you this peaceful Sunday.

  2. Another one from the book of Matthew is one of my favorite verses from the Bible about God knows when a sparrow falls. Can't believe they are considered trash birds.

  3. Beautiful hymn, Debbie! It reminds me of one I sang at a Presbyterian church as a little girl. "God sees the little sparrow fall, it meets His tender view. If God so loves the little things, I know He loves me, too." :)

  4. sO VERY Beautiful Deb ... Sending hugs across the miles!

  5. Our garden is full of sparrows which is a good thing because a couple of years ago the sparrow population in the UK dropped rapidly due to bird flu. We encourage all birds into the garden as they give us so much pleasure on a daily basis.

  6. A very beautiful post Debbie. I wish you a wonderful week.

  7. Beautiful Debbie, I really enjoy your posts. I hope you have a wonderful week!

  8. What an inspiring way to start my day and week. Thank you Debbie, for such a beautiful post. I feel uplifted!

  9. A very comforting thought... Beautiful photo - beautiful post!

  10. There is something about the photo (lighting?) that makes this look like a painting - think you should paint this one!

  11. What beautiful lyrics Debbie - very powerful and uplifting to hold close to you. And such a stunning photo - I agree with RH Carpenter - it looks like a painting. I hope your week goes well for you.

  12. What a lovely hymn. It's a pity that some of the old hymns are never sung anymore. That's a great painting of the sparrow.

  13. One of my favorite hymns but I haven't heard it in a long time. Thank you for the beautiful reminder.

  14. This photo is so beautiful and so is your post , very up lifting !

  15. Debbie,

    You manage always to find just the perfect piece of scripture or song to convey your feelings. And I would add, to help the rest of us put our own feelings into words.

    Take care of yourself and let me know when you can how you are doing.

  16. Thanks for your uplifting post Debbie! I hope you have a good and special day! Hugs

  17. I love this verse, Debbie. Even as a child I could picture in my mind the little sparrow under God's watch. It's very comforting. Thank you for posting this as it brings back good memories and great comfort.

  18. Lovely verses and songs. They always make you feel like there is a God watching us and protecting us. Thanks for the inspiration. I hope the storm isn't too bad down there. We're getting ready and I'm lucky because we don't even have to step foot outside unless we want to (and I'm sure I will since I love seeing the snow as it falls). Stay safe and warm my friend.

  19. A truly comforting post. With four cats we don't have many birds visiting our garden. We do have a lovely Robin who is always flitting around when I am gardening bless him. Marion x

  20. Debbie, I am glad you like my "experiment". It's not quite finished. And I would like to create more, working with the lost-an-found edges, and paying close attention to values. I hope all is well with you!!

  21. Hi, Deb, me, too, love that phrase. Thank you for sharing a wonderful photo and the content. Best wishes, Sadami


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