Sunday, July 6, 2014


Everywhere I look there are inspirations to be found.

Weeds that grow along a fence row...

Garden flowers that have delicate petals and interesting seed pods...

Fruits and things that are wild...

 a friend curled up on an old quilt...

 the cardinal on a branch.

All these inspire me.   Would love to know what is inspiring you.

Have a beautiful week - God bless!


  1. There are inspirations everywhere, love the ones you have captured, love the kitty...thanks for the inspirations

  2. Oh I want to learn to draw and paint!! Your work is beautiful and it Inspires me!!!

  3. oh Debbie ... your blog is inspiring enough...
    just beautiful... each and every post.

  4. Today I was inspired by all the little birds at the new finch feeder (the raccoons destroy anything I leave outside at night and I tend to forget the finch feeders so have to buy new ones) - it seems to be very popular! Chickadees, house finches, gold finches, little brown birds I know not what. And today a juvenile bluejay sat on the deck railing and just cocked his head watching and watching and being so cute - very fat and happy looking.

  5. Debbie, you have inspired me with this post. Thank you! Warm hugs to you.

  6. You really are inspiring me to pick up my brushes again - you have a lovely selection of flowers to portray in pictures capturing the essence of summer.

  7. Thanks Debbie for sharing your inspirations, lovely sketches, especially the grasses with the butterfly, I hope I'll get to see the sketch in progress of the sweet little posy .

  8. You do see inspiration around you that probably some of us miss. Keep posting your lovely inspirational posts

  9. Absolutely stunning sketches and such a nice breather for me to see the little things that make life worth living. By the way, did you ever get my email? I sent you a super long one last week...

  10. Beautiful as always! I would just love to look at your sketch books! What a treasure they are!
    I think weeds and plants are inspiring me now. I'm having fun with my sketch book just drawing them. I love how different they are.

  11. Thank you for "my" inspiration for the day....

  12. Gorgeous natural nature sketch Debbie. Your paintings show how tuned in you are to the wonders around you. xx

  13. At the moment... what inspires me most is you! These are wonderful photos!

  14. Looks like the inspirations have worked. That painting of the flowers and butterfly is lovely!! Thanks for inspiring us!!!

  15. Always a pleasure to visit your blog, and as usual, I find your watercolors very beautiful

  16. My orchids; my fuzzy little buddy, Prudy; playing music on iTunes in my office; listening to the quiet first thing in the morning; and, of course, your post which reminded me to look around me for that inspiration.

  17. My orchids; my fuzzy buddy, Prudy; listening to music on iTunes in my office; listening to the quiet first thing in the morning; and this post, that reminded me to look around me for inspiration!

  18. Wonderful posts, Deb! LOVE your artwork and your beautiful garden!

  19. I long for poppies such as the ones above. But they simply will not grow for me. But aren't your larkspur and Poppies just perfect together?! Yes, there is always artistic inspiration in the garden.

  20. Outstanding paintings, Deb ... each a beauty! Love their delicateness!

  21. I love visiting your country garden! You always capture the beauty of your surroundings in your paintings so well. :)


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