Monday, June 2, 2014

Lesson about Possibilities

During vacation I learned a valuable lesson about being open to possibilities.

This computer armoire  was purchased many years ago.   At that particular time we had a desk top Dell with a printer, etc.  

Unfortunately computers do not last forever and in time we found ourselves replacing the larger model with a lap top.   No longer was the armoire needed to house a tiny portable Notebook.  Thus in my estimation it had become a white elephant.  

Hubby had the idea to re-purpose it for our television.   To put it mildly I was very dubious.   In the first place it is not a piece of furniture easily moved.   Secondly I liked the television where it was in the room.   Thirdly in order for the telly to fit there would have to be modifications made to the tv's base.   All of which made me a bit apprehensive.  With much persuasion my beloved was able to get me to at least give him a hand to see if it would work.  Bless his heart for not giving up when his partner was anything but encouraging.

After several hours the project was finished.
To say the least I was "eating crow".   Not only did it work but it gave this particular spot in our home a welcome change and made television viewing much more cozy.

There are moments in life when being closed to options can keep one from experiencing something better.  This small example made me realize that taking risks or even seeing things in a different light can lead to greater opportunities.

One of those opportunities might be to make my sweetie a coconut cream pie.   He certainly deserves it for teaching me a valuable lesson.

Will be out visiting all your blogs and catching up with everyone soon.   Missed you all!   Have a great day.


  1. Aww, that was very VERY sweet of you to write a post giving him credit for the inspiration and making it come into being the way he envisioned! It's perfect too! Your painting is beautiful too! You're both to be congratulated this week!

  2. Love your painting and coconut cream pie!

  3. What a nice set up. I'm glad things are good.

  4. I'm happy you are back Debbie! I love your painting and your husbands solution is worth an extra big slice of pie!

  5. Hi, Debbie, it looks really nice. Sometimes it's really worthy to risk and try some new ideas even when we're in doubt, we might be surprised at the result :)

  6. What a beautiful tulip!! It looks to be blowing in the warm spring breezes. You can always turn that cabinet into an art piece when the doors are closed too. Saundra Lane Galloway does quite a bit of repurposing of furniture and always incorporates her artistic flair. Just throwing more ideas out of the box to you! LOL A great job by your husband indeed!!

  7. Wow-what a lovely piece of furniture. And you are so right about the lesson you gained from it-funny too, because God has been speaking the exact same thing to me!

  8. I love the tulip, Debbie, and the computer armoire is lovely.

  9. That's a handsome and nifty change for the television placement.
    Welcome back from your nice vacation!

  10. Glad his idea worked so well. Yes, we are often closed to new opportunities, and for some of us change is very many areas. I hope he enjoys the pie!

  11. Your husband is definitely a keeper, Debbie!!! and deserves that pie!! Your painting is beautiful.. One thing I can't paint is flowers...!!! but I enjoy seeing them when I visit my bogger/friends...

  12. It seems like there is always something we can learn from moments like these and it sounds like it was good that you listened to your hubby and it turned out well.
    Love your tulip work in progress and I have missed reading your blog even though it hasn't been too long :)
    Hope your having a lovely week

  13. What a beautiful armoire. And I love your painting of the tulip, it's gorgeous!



  14. Wonderful and fitting words, Deb ... and I LOVE your painting ... I hope you are having a most wonderful summer!!!

  15. The best part of the story to me is he thought about doing it and you both talked about it together first. My sweet hubby wouldn't even know how to even contemplate making a change to anything. His gifts are in other areas. Love the tulip.

  16. Hi Debbie, what a sweet tulip! The colors are gorgeous. Here, the last petals disappeared in the wind a few days ago , but peonies will soon burst with their heady perfume.
    I love your piece of furniture. It's not only a great idea for the TV, I find wood give warmth to a room and I see part of your beautiful fireplace too. Together it must be quite cosy. Have a lovely day Debbie! Hugs

  17. Out TV lives in an armoire. I like that it's hidden away. Staring at silent TV screens annoys me but I'm a bit weird about things like that.

  18. This is just perfect Debbie, great idea from hubbie ! Your tulip is so lovely with great colors and highlights . Have a nice day !

  19. Hi Debbie,
    I love you husbands idea and it turned out beautiful! Yes, I agree, a coconut cream pie is in order... Save me a slice, will you? I love coconut cream pie..
    Thank you so much for your most kind words about my panda.. So sorry it has taken me so long to get here.
    Love your painting!
    Wishing you a beautiful weekend.

  20. Glad it all worked out--sometimes it's hard to think outside the armoire! Hope you made the pie and both enjoyed it.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Well that was a great re use .
    Better to eat coconut pie than crow ! lol

  23. The new set-up looks great Debbie - your husband deserves his reward! Your WIP is already looking beautiful!

  24. Seems a while since I visited, so I have enjoyed seeing your garden and hope everything is growing well. Spring gave you inspiration with lovely flowers to paint and draw. I am hoping you are enjoying your weekend and doing something creative. And baking that pie.x

  25. Coconut cream pie.....mmm shounds delicious. Great story and painting!

  26. Possibilities exist everywhere. So, I guess we need only to try to explore them and see what we can make out of them. Thanks for the story and your WIP looks already beautiful. God bless you and your family.

  27. Your icon photo brought me here. I saw your comment on Dee's blog One Foot Outside of the Box.

    Beautiful tulip painting, by the way! Did you paint it?


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