Sunday, May 25, 2014

"Battle Hymn of the Republic"

This post and video is dedicated to all those that have given their lives so that I may be free.   God bless each and every one.  

"Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends."   John 15:13 (NIV)

May all who are celebrating Memorial Day tomorrow have a wonderful celebration.  To my friends in other lands...I wish you a great week.  

Will be taking a break for a few days but I'll be back in June!  Catch up with all of you then.  

Hugs  Debbie!


  1. God Bless America and All the Services

    Have a wonderful time away

  2. Beautiful post, Debbie. Hugs and love to you.

  3. Beautiful post Debbie. Enjoy your days off.

  4. Enjoy the long weekend and break! See you when you get back!

  5. That's always been one of my favorite patriotic songs! I remember playing it every year in the school band. :) This is a very thoughtful post. Enjoy your vacation, and bring back lots of pictures for your blog!

  6. Hoping your break from blogging means you will be on a wonderful vacation with your husband!! Have a great time, no matter what you will be doing for this next week, my friend.

  7. Happy memorial day and happy trails.......

  8. Wish you some wonderful days off ! xx

  9. You're leaving us with such a beautiful post, Debbie!
    Thank you!!! Enjoy...

  10. A beautiful tribute Debbie! I hope you enjoy your break - I hope the weather is perfect for you.

  11. Beautiful Debbie, I love that song!! Have a wonderful break,dear friend, love,Diana

  12. That is such a moving piece of music! Have a nice break and see you in June.

  13. Lump in the throat listening to such a wonderful choral version.
    Hope your weekend was perfect.

  14. Hi Debbie! A grandiose tribute you've put on your blog! Hope you're having some good time! Hugs

  15. Such a lovely post, thank you for sharing it.
    Enjoy your time away. Barbara

  16. Hi Debbie, well I'm finally here! Love this post, I have many Veterans in my family and it was always a very important day when growing up in a small town. We children always put little flags on all the Veterans graves at the cemetery. Still remember them playing taps and all the Veterans (especially my Grandfather) in their uniforms.


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