Wednesday, October 2, 2013


October brings such wondrous gifts...skies of blue

Vibrant colors everywhere...

Decorations that make one smile....

Crisp tasty apples...

and sweet moments to look up.


 Hope October is bringing you some of these lovely gifts.   Have a wondrous day!


  1. Debbie, this is such a beautiful and joyous post. You made me smile. Thank you so much. Your photos are gorgeous.

  2. It's coming here this weekend. YAY! It has been hot, dry and dusty and hard to get into the spirit. It will really be nice.

  3. Debbie, I love all the photos. They are the essence of October!



  4. Your photos and words describe my favorite of all the seasons, Debbie. And I get such a warm, homey sense from you always. Wish I was more like you!

  5. Lovely photos Debbie. Bet you are painting some fall trees and scenes...Love you!

  6. Beautiful pics and some of these would make great paintings, don't you think? We have a beginning of October that looks like yours, with sun and comfortable weather. Time to enjoy! Hugs

  7. So pretty, your photos capture it perfectly. I love the first signs of fall, not much yet here in North Carolina but soon I hope.

  8. Photos that fill your eyes with joy...and even some painting inspiration :-)) xx

  9. I'm hoping that October will bring us some rain and cooler weather :)

  10. October brings a bit of crispness and different color to the days. Enjoy them!!!

  11. And your lovely photographs! Have a wonderful weekend!

  12. Oh no autumn again already. Where has the time gone? I love autumn and your gorgeous photos too. xx

  13. October is a colorful month! Your photos are a reminder stop and admire it all. Did you make that funny scarecrow? Have a wonderful weekend!

  14. Thank you so much, Debbie! I love your photos those apples are fabulous!

  15. Love your images! That scarecrow is more cute than scarey! I'm glad you liked the apple dessert too! Happy Fall! ~ Diane

  16. Great photography. I think you should capture some of those photos with your paintbrush!!!!!!

  17. Your photo's share what makes me smile all through the Autumn. :)

  18. I love your scarecrow "guy"!! He is adorable sitting on the bench! I went back few posts and Debbie, your sketches are BEAUTIFUL!! You are sooo talented....have you ever sold any? We are having a beautiful Autumn and there is more to come.....Blessings~~~Roxie

  19. Lovely colors from nature. Thank you for sharing those beautiful pictures of autumn. God bless


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