Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Creative Endeavors

 Today's creative endeavors took place in the kitchen.   With zucchini in abundance I decided to bake these orange glazed loaves.   They are a favorite of mine.   Very tasty with a bit of cream cheese spread on thinly.
This casserole was an experiment that turned out well.   The existing recipe used ingredients that were not gluten free.   I did some substituting and came up with a dish hubby loved. 
Creating can be found in so many different forms.   It may be painting...
Growing a garden

taking a picture

or writing a post.
Whatever your creative endeavor is...may it bring you joy today!
 Thank you for stopping by.


  1. Great photos!!! Your zucchini bread looks yummy! Enjoy!

  2. Wonderful photos. I love the cat painting and your zucchini bread looks amazing!

  3. That orange flavored zucchini bread sounds like a winner. Problem is, I would slice little wedges off, trying to trick my brain that I wasn't eating that much, until I'd eaten the whole thing. I'd have to freeze right away.

  4. mmmmmm......that zucchini bread looks awesomely delicious! And that is a beautiful cat painting! I can see that you enjoyed your day....thats wonderful! Blessings to you and many more of these lovely days....the simple things in life are the bEST! Roxie

  5. You have been busy, I too have loved creating in the kitchen but all too often now I leave it to my husband whilst I paint

  6. Just the little bits of your home I can see look so lovely, so homey! The bread sounds delicious! The casserole looks yummy too. I seem to have little to no creative moments during the week.

  7. That painting is awesome! I like how the composition is arranged! Wow! Save some of that food, I'll be right over!

  8. Thank you so much Debbie. The dish and the loafs look so wonderful.
    Great pictures too !!
    Have a wonderful day.

  9. Beautiful, Debbie. Would love your recipe, as I am on the list for wheat-free food...Love your art, always. Kittie smelling flowers is beautiful....

  10. YUMMMM!!! I'll send you my address and you just ship me one of those loaves! ha ha

  11. I thought I smelled something good in blog land. Your kitty painting is your inspiration to be experimental.

  12. Zucchini loaf is a whole mean in itself,no forks or spoons needed. Just take a chunk and enjoy.

    Lovely photos
    I always like seeing the cat.

  13. Debbie, I love your post. It is so true, there are so many different ways to be creative. Hugs! Bonnie

  14. You are such a busy lady........... doesn't it feel so good. I haven't had zucchini bread in a very long time. Now you've made me hungry. :)

  15. Oh my heavens...the loaf looks so yummy. Forwarding this to my daughter who grows her own food and also cooks and bakes.
    Your watercolor of the cat is sensitive and lovely. Hope to see it finished.

  16. Hi Debbie, thank you so much for visiting my blog and for your kind comment. I'm enjoying the wonderful mixture of images here on your own blog so I'm glad to have 'met you' !
    That glazed loaf looks amazing. Just as well I can't put on weight just by looking. X

  17. O my, that painting -- one of my absolute favourites. The colours and expression are just perfect, and the cat reminds me so much of a beloved cat I grew up with. And cheesy zucchini? Please leave me a helping.

  18. Debbie, you are so right! It is great to share it with others, like the yummy bread you made!! The watercolor of your cat is gorgeous! He is a great model and think the photo of him smelling the flowers would make an adorable painting.

  19. I can smell the sweet aroma from here. You seem to be a great cook Debbie, besides being a great painter. Your cat is very nice, he looks in his element surrounded by nature. Have a great weekend!

  20. Thank you for your kind comment on my blog. I have really enjoyed catching up on your blog. Your pictures are terrific and your words are inspiring. Your cat is a wonderful model!

  21. oh yum, yer orange glazed loaves look scrummy, :-) and the kitty cay pic is super ;-)

  22. What a busy lady you are Debbie. Those loaves look delicious. xx


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