Sunday, August 18, 2013

Winding Down

There are signs that summer is winding down.

The sunflowers begin to bow their heads.

  Leaves start to gather on the ground.

Late blooming perennials perfume the garden.

Crickets can be heard singing in the night.   Day's arrival comes later and it's stay is shorter.

All these signs serve to remind me "There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under the heavens: a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot."  Ecclesiastes 3:1-2.

Thank you for taking some precious time to stop by.      May you enjoy the last of summer's interlude!


  1. Thank you for posting this as a reminder to us all.

  2. Lovely, Debbie...and we will see the beautiful colours of Autumn. :)

  3. Your beautiful cat looks huge in that chair.
    You make the last of summer easier to take.
    Wishing you a great week

  4. Beautiful passage Debbie! There is something beautiful about every season to enjoy. Have a great week!

  5. I am always reminded of the song "Turn turn turn" when I see that scripture verse. I'm glad summer is winding down. This has been a mild one for us (which is/was awesome) but I do so love the cooler days, the shorter days, the nesting...

  6. Great post Debbie! I see the signs all around me here too. The daylight is fading much earlier in the evening now. Can't believe it's almost Labor Day!

  7. Yes I've been noticing the same signs, it seems that fall is going to arrive early here. Which makes me happy because autumn is my favorite season :)
    Hope you enjoy your week,

  8. Hi Debbie, great pictures !! We still have some warmer days ahead, but you can feel the change in the air ; )
    Have a wonderful day.
    God Bless

  9. Debbie we must be sisters. I was thinking of the same verse and all your thoughts were mine this last week. I don't like how the days are getting shorter.Never enough time it seems. Fall here is not as colorful as where I grew up (Minnesota) and probably where you are. I miss the colors. That is why I planted Japanese maples, for the color. And yes our sunflowers are tipping their heads too.

  10. I was just noticing the same as you that Summer is winding down. It kind of feels like the season of life I have entered as I am quickly heading towards being 65...Things are slowly winding down in a peaceful way. :)

  11. Lovely photos. Yes, summer is winding down. You can feel it in the air feels a bit cooler, but I'm sure we will get a blast of heat again before summer is through. I've always loved that verse.

  12. Some of our sunflowers are still first coming into bloom.... so we're not feeling it quite yet. But we have the telltale signs already. And I'd like to know where this year has flown to!

  13. Your cat looks so precious in that chair! Yes, summer is disappearing, but it's still very enjoyable xx

  14. beautiful Debbie, yes fall is coming. always your blog refreshes me. love,Diana

  15. This is a nice salute to the end of summer. Nature can still be very generous.And, I think some crickets of yours found their way over here. Happy day to you Debbie

  16. We don't have crickets and I had forgotten about the sound of them until I read your post. Chili harvest has begun and back to school is in progress otherwise summer heat is still blasting away. The sunflowers are just as perky too.
    It is going to take some cooler nights to make me feel that fall is on its way. Usually for me it is the cloudless skies which hint of fall. We still have the summer clouds
    build up in the afternoon and if we are really lucky... some rain. Love the verse. Comforting to realize how long the TRUTH has stood the test of time.

  17. Hi Debbie,
    Amen, it' s true a time for every season.
    We have been having what I feel is the best Summer weather here lately mid to high seventies and low humidity ... quite comfy!


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