Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Time in the Studio

The wet weather has given me more time in the studio.  
 I love painting and sketching outdoors.    With all the rain it has proved to be a challenge.     So I brought some of the garden inside.           

    Aren't these daisies lovely and fresh?   They will be a perfect subject to study and inspire.

Okay!  Not everyone is excited about the daisies.   It might take some sunshine to please these two.
    If your weather is wet I hope you have found something indoors that inspires.
                                                               So glad you came to visit.  God Bless!


  1. The flowers are gorgeous. How lovely to bring your own flowers indoors.

  2. Debbie, these flowers are just beautiful. I so love the soft colors and the wonderful composition. I wish we'd get some rain. We get promises and expectations but it hasn't happened much since our flooding in April.

  3. These beauties catched my eyes this morning. Rain inspires you a lot Debbie. Beautiful work and so delicate! Wishing you a grand day. Hugs

  4. Rain today -- but it's the HEAT that keeps us indoors -- that coupled with equally high humidity -- certainly saps the strength! LOVE the painting!!!! Fresh and loose -- and yes, bringing the garden indoors certainly cheers one!!! Have a great week!

  5. Deb, these are really beautiful!! The painting too !!! lol !!!
    Rain here in Fl. and I think it's our rainiest summer ever.. hot, hot.
    Good reasons to stay indoors .. BJ

  6. How great that you could bring the garden inside and paint! This is lovely!!! Enjoy your day!

  7. Debbie this is so very lovely, Your posts too always cheer me up. love to you,Diana

  8. I get excited about daisies too! Your watercolor is gorgeous.

  9. Your watercolors are beautiful.
    I love the photo of the cats, charming smile photo.

  10. I love the large day-lily in your painting, it is set off so beautifully with the other flowers swirled around it. Your watercolors are always gorgeous! Your poor kitties look so down in the dumps, ours get like that too when it rains! Hope you have a great weekend!

  11. Hi Debbie, you are very talented and I just love your watercolours! Your cat photo made me smile.

  12. I wish that our weather was wet. Instead they are predicting temperatures of 44C. Not good :(

  13. Oh how I wish our weather was wet! That's a beautiful painting, Debbie, so ethereal yet realistic.



  14. Lovely painting with those bright colors. Thanks for sharing your talent. God bless.

  15. Beautiful painting Debbie! I think the cats want catnip!

  16. Once again your work is BEAUTIFUL!! Your cat looks like mine lately, she loves to lay in the window! We need rain here but it keeps missing us. Many Blessings!

  17. Oh what a fabulous floral painting Debbie. So exquisitely painted.


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