Sunday, July 28, 2013


There are places that touch one's heart.   Some are scenes you see every day.    Others may not be familiar.  They just call to you.

This old abandoned home was one of those.   I almost missed it as we rode by.

We (hubby and I) were out on a bike ride.   The historical society had organized a "Drive your own tour" of the route that John Morgan and his raiders had traveled during the Civil War.  It marked the 150th anniversary of his famous invasion into the northern states.  We thought it would be fun to take some of the roads that he had journeyed.

Making a wrong turn allowed me to take a picture of this house.   It was situated back off the road a bit and partly hidden by summer's foliage.    It  made me wonder who might have lived here at one time.    Were they happy?   Did they have children...pets??

  One never knows what lies around the next curve.   It may be a scenic hillside...

an old shack...

a quiet country road or

                                                       a peaceful scene close to home!

                                            Thank you for letting me share these places with you.
                                                                       Have a wonderful evening!



  1. Hi Debbie, what beautiful photos! Magnificent, serene.

  2. Beautiful pictures! I'd wonder about that house too; it certainly is atmospheric!

  3. Nice photos Debbie, your wrong turn was worth it!

  4. Your camera is drawn to the same types of scenes as my own. Beautiful and it looks a wonderful day for a ride too. Hope it wasn't too hot!

  5. Thanks Debbie I enjoyed seeing your part of the world through your camera lens. I wonder if you are going to paint any of them...

  6. Or you might see two people on bikes! Beautiful scenery. The abandoned house is mysterious. I wonder why it was abandoned. Thank you for sharing your tour.

  7. Thank you for sharing these beautiful sceneries. I see Him on them. God bless.

  8. That old home needs some TLC and a family living in it.

  9. Hi Debbie, I love taking those back road rides with you! I agree, oh...that beautiful home....wondering what was and the history behind it! My mind thinks the's a shame someone doesn't want to restore or sell it....too bad. Blessings and a wonderful week~~~Roxie

  10. Thanks for taking us along on your ride. Lovely photos!!! Looks like you had a great day finding hidden gems around the curves.

  11. Old, abandoned houses always tug at my heart. They seem so sad and lonely. Beautiful photos, thank you for taking me along with you on your ride!



  12. Your post today made me want to travel your road. My heart was tugged also by your photo's..thanks for sharing....and isn't it exciting waiting to see what is around the next curve. :)

  13. That looks so great. I love those kind of tours. A surpise round every corner ; )
    Have a wonderful day.

  14. Oh that looks like a wonderful ride...I love the old house-would love to fix it up.

  15. Debbie I really loved the photos and the whole peaceful feeling of this post.
    These are areas that would draw me in too.
    Thanks so much for this share .

  16. Lovely photos Debbie. Thanks for sharing your discoveries with us!

  17. Debbie these are beautiful, so very peaceful. thank you dear friend, love,Diana


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