Wednesday, July 17, 2013

July's Delights

 July's garden is filled with an abundance of daylilies.    These flowers seem to flourish most anywhere.   They prefer sunshine but they grow in dappled shade as well.
They are not fussy.   There is such a wide variety from which to choose.   Over the years I have planted  many lovely ones.    This is just a sprinkling of a few that grow at Harmony Hills.

Each bloom only lasts for a day.   Generally they have many buds so one can expect them to decorate the garden for several weeks.  
Hope you enjoyed seeing some of July's delights.   Have a great day.  


  1. You seem to have such a pretty variety of daylilies. They are a beautiful flower! I like the larger heads the best. There are so many gorgeous colors and types to choose from! Stay cool and Blessings to you~~~Roxie

  2. I dug these up, they were like trifids in the garden! No flowers for about four years and spreading like mad. The roots and corms were a nightmare to dig up and I have just found 2 more little ones appearing. I only have small borders and small garden, they had to go. Enjoy yours they look lovely. (I feel really guilty now)

  3. I just love how the colors bleed into each other! I remember seeing what we called tiger lilies just blooming wild when we were growing up. I always thought they were so beautiful and so exotic. I still find them so!

  4. hello debbie,
    love daylilies and your daylilies are so pretty.thanks for sharing!
    have a wonderful day,
    love regina

  5. I have a few too-I have some deep red ones that have a wonderful smell. I love your varieties-they look so healthy too...

  6. Debbie, oh I love daylilies,but they are so aggressive. Mine are taking over!

  7. Your plants look wonderful. You've got so many different colours.
    I've got three diferent colours. One old pink, one peach coloured ( a double one) and one I have found in the wild ( someone ditched their garden soil there That one hasn't flowered yet ; )
    Have a great day.

  8. Your daylilies are so pretty! I love the yellow with the dark red center...beautiful.

  9. I have definitely enjoyed seeing all your day lilies. They are such a lovely relaxed flower. The always make a garden look so relaxed.

  10. I am loving your summer floral photo's as I am my other blogger friends. Flowers are the sparkle of Summer. :)

  11. Flowers conquer my heart everytime. These are lovely, such a variety of daylilies. A real show of colors. Happy weekend Debbie.

  12. I would have a daily blast of pleasure painting these beautiful flowers. The shapes and colors are so appealing.
    I have my flowers in pots - not quite the same glory as Mother Nature provides.

  13. Your day lilies are gorgeous! I have a few, but they struggle with all of our shade. I love all the colors and shapes of the flowers!

  14. Hi Debbie, your day lilies are gorgeous! I love them, too. And I agree, they somehow manage to flourish no matter the weather! Here in Montreal many flowers have died in our extreme humid conditions, but the lilies are thriving.


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