Sunday, July 7, 2013


 Summer has brought changes to the garden.   Our spring in Ohio was extremely dry.   The crops looked rather sad.   The drought seemed like there was no end.   Then June arrived.   It brought an abundance of moisture.  
Now everything is flourishing.    The grass has become lush.   Daylilies and hollyhocks are bringing bright color to the flower beds.  The beans and squash have grown in leaps and bounds.  The corn was much higher than knee high by the fourth.   Isn't it amazing how some changes make such a difference!
Here is another one that has done some changing...

She just turned six months old on the fourth of July.

Hard to believe she was this little. 
Just goes to show the importance of savoring each moment.   Nothing stays the same.    Everything will change given time.
Hope you have a wonderful evening!


  1. I can't believe how fast our puppies grow. All of a sudden they are all legs,then you blink and they look almost like adults. At least they stay silly for a while! :-)

    Lovely shots of your lilies and garden.


  2. Though we've had little rain of late, my garden is now producing, thankfully. Of course, my cukes and veggies are going to be worth their weight in gold after I get my water bill.

  3. Our weather slowed everything up, a month behind in fact. But now there is a wonderful profusion of colour in our small garden. We are in the middle of a heatwave the hottest in 7 years. Hope you enjoy your beautiful veg and I love your big little puppy. My how she has grown.

  4. Oh don't I know it! Somehow the grandma I knew as a kid is now in my mirror. Sigh...

  5. Lovely pictures. I really like the one of your dog. Such a cutie.

  6. Debbie, Oh I know exactly what you are saying about time. We had a lovely spring, now the summer heat is upon us. I cannot complain though it is July. Enjoy your week.

  7. I love hollyhocks, they're one of my favorites. Shelby is so big and in just six months, its amazing, yes we definitely do have to savor each moment. Your garden is so beautiful...
    Enjoy your week,

  8. Wonderful post
    It is unbelievable puppy is now big doggie.

  9. Shelby is beautiful, as is your garden! It is amazing how things change...great post!

  10. Awwww-that little puppy picture is so cute! Shelby is turning into a beautiful big dog! Your garden is lovely....So glad you got some needed rain!

  11. Pretty pictures, My collie turned 4 in July!! I can't believe it.

  12. Your garden is gorgeous! Glad you finally got the rain you needed. They say change is good, well I guess sometimes it is! Shelby is almost full size now and a beautiful dog, but boy was she a cutie pie as a puppy! They grow up too fast!

  13. A drop of rain is always welcomed when it as been so dry, we all benefit from it, plants and us. Love your garden and puppy photos

  14. I like good changes and you have a lot of them. Your pup is still as cute as ever:)

  15. It is great that things keep changing...sometimes for the better...sometimes not. I can't believe the puppy has grown so much. Great photos.

  16. Wonderful garden pictures. I love day lillies.
    Your pup has grown so much !!
    Have a great day.

  17. I love to see how Shelby has grown. What a beauty!
    Amazing what rain can do to a parched ground. We were desperately in need here in southern New Mexico and then the monsoon week came right on schedule and the Hollyhocks,Mesquite and Desert Willows are looking good again.
    Your garden looks so pretty.


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