Sunday, June 30, 2013


Like many of you we have had storms these past few days.   Some have come suddenly without any warning.   Others we would hear rumbles in the distance and catch sight of lightening bolts.  We knew to seek shelter they were coming.
So it is in life.    Sometimes we have no indication that a storm is on its way.   Other times there are countless warning signs.    Ignoring those dark skies and turbulent clouds may mean one is caught 
in the midst of it all.
I appreciate the warnings. They allow me time to look up...  Time to reach a safe haven... 
Time to pause and acknowledge that I am not in control...

He Is!

 Hope you all stay safe during this stormy season!   
                                                                       God Bless!


  1. Storms here too --- and so much rain and flooding ... stay safe too ... lovely images and words!

  2. We had storms a couple of days ago here. Lovely post, Debbie. Stay secure.

  3. Hi Debbie, Yes, God is in control! Our weather has been all over the place these last few weeks. I just read where 18 firefighters were killed in Arizona....oh, so sad!!! Praying for this safe too and God bless~~~~thank you for the lovely are such a blessing to me! Roxie

  4. Beautifully stated Debbie! Hope you are well!

  5. Lovely post Your words are well chosen

  6. Sometimes I feel as though your words are meant for me. And your thoughts are spot on beautiful too. Thank you, Debbie.

  7. Beautiful post, Debbie - God Bless!

  8. Weather has been rainy here but storms seemed to have missed us last week. Nice pictures! and beautiful post you always seem to have just the right words. God Bless your day!

  9. Hope you have rain and not flooding. Your photos are as always gorgeous...especially that last one with those rays of sunlight that I call the "Hands of God." Stay dry and enjoy the day.

  10. The weather has been horrible for people in so many ways this year, it's been really sad to see what everyone is going through.
    That's pray that everyone gets a break for awhile. Stay safe.

  11. Love the pic of the sunrays. We've seen these wonderful sights many time in the recent past and I guess we are in for more in the near future. This type of weather seems to be status quo for this summer in Maine. I bought a book about how to oil paint at a yard sale this weekend and I am going to try again. I think if I can get the hang of it the oil will allow me to paint the the scenes I have in my mind and that I've sketched. Enjoy your day!

  12. Sometimes it takes a huge "storm" to remind of who is in charge.

  13. Debbie, your photos today are just stunning! The dark background in the first two really set off the flowers and I can almost here the thunder!! The third one of the sunbeams is gorgeous! You are so right, we are not in control of much in our life, that is why faith is so important! Have a wonderful day!

  14. Beautiful photos, but do stay safe. We are having weather in the high 90's. I do worry about the 4th and the crazy people who do not take care with the fireworks. Living in the woods we must take care. Now I am off to play catch up with your blog. :-)

  15. Thoughtful insight to share with us...the good news that God is in control and will lead us through the storms. Your photo's are lovely...number one caught my eye right away.♥

  16. Oh, for just a sprinkle. The hot, dry days of summer are at my farm; don't know how the old timers provided for the families and others.

  17. Hope you are safe, Debbie. Only Him can have control in everything. So what we can only do is pray..pray...pray. God bless

  18. Hi Debbie - what a beautiful post. Thanks for the lovely photos and the message with them. God is always present. In nature yes, but in our hearts too.

  19. Your photos are gorgeous. I hope you are having a wonderful weekend.

  20. Hello, this blog post is beautiful, you leave us some beautiful floral photos worthy of a careful look.

    The storms affect many parts of the world, here in Spain there were also very strong ones and it is also hellish.
    It has been a pleasure to go through this beautiful space.
    Have a nice weekend, and be very, very happy.

    A kiss.

    Hola, es preciosa esta entrada de tu blog, nos dejas unas fotos florales muy lindas dignas de una mirada detenida.

    Las tormentas afectan a muchas partes del mundo, aquí en España también las hubo muy fuertes y además hace un calor infernal.

    Ha sido un placer pasar por este bello espacio.
    Ten un bonito fin de semana, y se muy, muy feliz.

    Un beso.


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