Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Unexpected Visitor

While I was on vacation an unexpected visitor stopped by.  I had been painting outdoors.  It was one of those days out of time.  A perfect afternoon to do something one loves.  



Larkspur and pansies were blooming in the garden.  They begged to be painted.  
How could I resist?

Taking a brief moment to step back I caught sight of my winged friend.   He had lit on my practice page.   He seemed intent on checking out the colors .   Wonder if he approved?  

Normally I have to sneak up slowly to catch these flying flowers on film.   Not this one.   He was quite happy to pose.   So glad to have my camera close at hand.

Maybe he will be my next subject to paint.

Hope you are enjoying these visitors too.  Have a great day.
                 God Bless!


  1. Hi Debbie, I am definitely loving these visitors. Thank you so much for sharing.

  2. Oh don't you love unexpected surprises? I think he is wanting to be your next model.

  3. I agree with Bonnie, I think the butterfly wants you to paint his portrait!



  4. Hi Debbie, good to see someone is having nice warm sunshine. We are in winter and it has been quite cold. A few weeks to go I suppose before we see the butterflies

  5. I have not had one yet in my garden but the season is slow here this year. Glad to have you back posting and painting your beautiful artwork.

  6. I do so love your pan palette. Wherever did you find that? And I love your term "flying flowers" to describe a butterfly. He was indeed checking out your colors and they drew him as if they were real flowers. What a beautiful post!

  7. oh my, your 'practice' paintings?! They are lovely! And your blog header photo is too!!!
    Love, Debra

  8. Ah, I think your visitor was cozying up to those colors thinking it was a friend. We don't see nearly enough butterflys as far as I am concerned. Enjoy your day!

  9. Hi Debbie, living in a city we don't see any butterflies-just moths! Ugh! I think he definitely wants to be your next subject! I'm glad your back posting again!!

  10. How lucky to have a butterfly land on your painting. He definitely approved. It's all so pretty.

  11. He was surely attracted to your beautiful flowers LOL , so wonderful to have them flying around. And dear Celia (above), I must belie your words, I live in Milan, have a small garden and there are always butterflies...just two or three, but still :-))

  12. He must have felt welcome in your painterly garden. How lovely!

  13. Love your practice page and the butterfly

  14. I'm sure he approved and was hoping to be your next subject!! A few years ago I had one that kept landing on me in my yard. I saw a yellow and black swallowtail so far this year! Have a wonderful day!

  15. Debbie you are so lucky to have this beautiful creature seek you out! It very well may have been drawn to the colors in your "flowers". Peace and Love... Diane

  16. How wonderful. It's not common for butterflies to alight so close to humans.

  17. Oh, how nice to have such a visitor and I bet he was impressed with your work!

  18. Your butterfly was undoubtedly attracted to the beautiful flowers you painted! I love seeing your art, just wish I could get a better view, like your butterfly friend :-)

  19. Maybe you can paint him into the painting...such a sweet visit.

  20. I too really enjoy those unexpected surprises when out in the garden - from birds to butterflies to unexpected flowers. Beautifully portrayed, Deb .... ! Like spending a morning with you!

  21. That is so sweet. I love butterflies too !! Your work looks wonderful.
    Have a great day.

  22. What a wonderful day! I love the pansy on your practice page, and the beautiful butterfly!


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