Sunday, May 19, 2013

The Garden

 Let me welcome you to the garden.  Hope you will enjoy a spring stroll.
These brilliant daylilies are just beginning to open.
The Star of Bethlehem does so much to brighten a shady spot.


 Blue and white columbine tumble down a leaf strewn bank.        
Pink Bleeding Heart dance so delicately upon their perch.
Perfume from the lilacs scent the air.

It was so nice you took a few moments to visit the garden.  

Thank you for stopping by.   Have a blessed evening!



  1. a lovely garden, indeed.
    happy new week to you!

  2. I enjoyed this stroll through your garden. So peaceful and pretty there... Have a wonderful week! ~ Diane

  3. So lovely! I really enjoyed this Spring stroll!!!

  4. Such pretty pictures, Thank you for sharing. Wendy

  5. I did enjoy my stroll, but you could have offered me a cup of tea!! lol

  6. I love your sketch, Debbie. It feels so romantic with all these beautiful blooms!

  7. Love your garden pics. What a little haven you have there. x

  8. Pure joy, Debbie! Now I know what columbine look like too!

  9. Happy Monday Debbie!
    Beautiful pictures

  10. Thank you for sharing the stroll through your beautiful garden. I enjoyed it very much!

  11. I loved taking a stroll with you around your garden. How lovely all your plants are, it looks much more advanced than mine here in France. Lovely photos.

  12. O wow, your garden is gorgeous -- absolute bliss! I can imagine such sitting there, reading, dreaming, breathing deep! It must be an continual source of artistic inspiration :)

  13. Well it is I who thanks you for taking me on the walk through your beautiful gardens..
    Yes, I'm still in Washington and taking plenty of pics of plant life here.. Everything is so different from where I live ..

  14. So many beautiful flower color combinations, love the colors and I bet the smell is devine...

  15. Beautiful garden walk...I enlarged the photo's and the colors just popped...beautiful. I enjoyed seeing your art supplies for your journaling on the table...what a grand way to relax.

  16. Debbie, What a lovely relaxing stroll I just had through your beautiul garden. Thank you so much for bringing me there! I shall have you over to sit on a cedar bench and sketch hummigbirds in our garden soon .

    Xox Willlow

  17. Debbie, I Have a pen set very much like yours, I haven't really mastered it though, How about you? I love that bunny, he looks like rusted cast iron? LOVING YOUR GARDEN.

  18. I peeked earlier, so beautiful, lovely Debbie, thank you,love,Diana

  19. It is good to be back home and be able to visit some blogs. Your blog always makes me feel good with the wonderful photos you post. I enjoyed seeing your plein air setup. You do travel light!

  20. Beautiful pictures Debbie and I'm so glad to visit your blog this morning. Here the weather has been sad and gray lately, your pics are such a gift of light and colors. And I love your water color of the hummingbird. Well done.

  21. Debbie-such a beautiful garden!!! I loved seeing your little table so laden with all your art materials. Sure wish we could sit and paint together!
    Love, Debra

  22. What an amazing garden! You've inspired me to get busy in our garden.

  23. I would love to be in your garden with my paints and journal. Just so lovely!


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