Wednesday, January 2, 2013


  Yesterday I took some time to check in and revisit my plans and values for the coming year.  I find this helps me keep my focus on what is meaningful.
Many moons ago I had the privilege to attend a Franklin/Covey seminar.  This program made a huge impression on me.  For years I have continued to use these tools to keep me centered on what is vital.
The objective of this workshop was to help you decide what you value the most.  How to manage your time.  How to achieve the goals that were important to you.
I find that when I plan well I generally will accomplish what matters.
 As I look back on the previous year I made creating a blog a top priority.   This was a major achievement for someone who was anything but computer savy.  
There are some things though that one can't plan.   What I couldn't have foreseen was how important each one of you would become to me.
Thank you dear friends for your visits, encouraging comments and personal e-mails.   May God bless you for embracing my heart and warming me with your generous gift of time. 
I am looking forward to another wonderful year of visiting each one of you.
Happy New Year! 


  1. Debbie, thank you . and yes, I will be here in the coming year. Barbra Joan

  2. Debbie, your words always mean so much and I love the heart you have too.

  3. How beautiful Debbie. I too am so glad I found you and your blog.

  4. Debbie, I've so enjoyed visiting you at Harmony Hills this morning! Your blog is a breath of fresh air - so inspirational with wonderful photos and your art keeping the appetite whetted for one more page!Beautiful photo of you with the motorcycle...we are a motorcycle famiy too - maybe we have that in common as well as our love for our dogs and our art! I'm so happy we met via Sherry and I plan to visit often!

  5. A lovely and fresh watercolor ! Wishing you a wonderful and creative NEW YEAR ! xx

  6. Thank you Debbie. It is always a pleasure to visit your blog and read your sweet words.

  7. Your watercolors always cheer my spirit! I too, take stock this time of year. I'm not much for resolutions but setting priorities helps me reach my goals.

  8. Your friendship is one of my treasures. And I get to have it in heaven someday too.
    Love, Debra

  9. I enjoy visiting Harmony Hills Debbie as it is a very calming after a hectic day at work. Your paintings are really lovely. Thank you for sharing them. HAPPY NEW YEAR Marion x

  10. Dear Debbie. Happy New Year to you and your family. I don't make Resolutions but I certainly do plan. It is always good to strive for something or to have something to look forward to. It keeps us going and on track. I am glad I found you and your blog in 2012. Thanks for your continued support and for sharing too. Your flowers are beautiful and so expressive. Take care. xx

  11. Happy New Year, Debbie. I hope you and your family have a year that is filled with happiness and blessings.


  12. Debbie, I understand your thoughts. When I began blogging I'm not for sure what I expected. I do know I did not anticipate feeling such a closeness to those I know only through this thing called blogging. Happy New Year! Bonnie

  13. Blogging really brings you close to people. Thanks for sharing your ideas and art work with us!

  14. I love the term plans and values a great way of starting the new you...I enjoy my blogging and all my new friends. Part of me would be missing with out blogs to visit. I pray your new year is off to a good start.

  15. hola Debbie, interesante blog me agrada felicidades y buen inicio de año saludos...

  16. Sounds like you've made some important discoveries about yourself at that workshop and during your reflections recently. I'm really happy for you, and I hope you start off the year feeling good about your accomplishments from the past year and looking forward with optimism to the new year! Planning is good, and I am an expert at overplanning... but we have to remember to leave a window open for those unexpected opportunities or those little ideas that come whispering in and change the plan to a new direction....

  17. Thank you for sharing on your blog! May God bless you greatly in 2013.

  18. Such beautiful, delicate flowers. And I really liked your post before this one too. A blessed, peaceful new year to you dear Debbie :)


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