Wednesday, November 14, 2012

November's Inspiration

November's inspiration comes in many forms.  It may be found in the dry, rustling grasses of a meadow.  Perhaps it will be golden seed pods or red rose hips...

the remaining russet leaves that dance forlornly in the wind...

 fallen pinecones that are tipped with white sap...

 the song of a cardinal in the thicket ...

or the flash of a white tail deer on the run.

Whatever it may be... let it speak to your soul today.                                                        
                                                                God Bless You!


  1. This is very pretty. Blessings to you too.

  2. Ah, Debbie. I love your autumn renderings and your thoughts are wonderful and echo my own on these wonderful pre-holiday autumn days.

  3. Wonderful post

    Early in life I could bring in dry grasses. The color and texture have always felt warm to me. This time of year is as beautiful as spring flowers.

  4. Oh so beautiful....I can't find an email for you-I think you'd enjoy the Janet Marsh book-I really would love to send it to you-no strings attached! I have loved it for many years-I think you would too....

  5. Dearest Debra- I did email you the other day but for some reason I think hotmail is having issues. Would love see Janet Marsh's book - you are so kind to think of me - email address is

  6. awwww-to think of all the emails I missed from you!!! Well-now we can fix this !

  7. These are beautiful, I love end of the season grasses and berries.

    I did receive your blog reply too, thank you,

  8. Your words and your photos, paintings always make me smile, Debbie. I'm so glad I found you... hugs, BJ

  9. like you I have been artfully inspired all week....isn't it a wonderful feeling?

  10. Your artwork is always a joy to see. Thank you for sharing it with us!

  11. Delicate and very very beautiful, lovely rendering of autumns magic !

  12. You have a way with words as well as photography!!! Thanks for sharing. Enjoy the day!

  13. Dear Joan - do not have an email address for you but thanks so much for stopping by. Have a great day.

  14. Dear Debbie. Your paintings are adorable. They are so delicate bring the countryside to my home via the monitor. I envy you those beautiful red cardinals. We don't have them in the UK. As an avid bird watcher I'm now making that one of my ambitions in life to see one in person. One day maybe... Take care and thanks for sharing your lovely photos.

  15. I love this time of year, and you have truly expressed the feelings in my soul! LOVE the painting and all the photos of early winter beauty! WELL DONE!

  16. God bless you too .
    I hope to see a painting of the cardinal soon.. I love that bird, we don't have them in the UK, so I always appreciate them in paintings :)

  17. Fantastic field studies. Cute little cardinal too!

  18. I enjoy your beautiful paintings, pictures and much! God bless you,too!


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Break Time

(Kelsey is taking a break)  It is break time.   End of summer and beginning of autumn calls for a little rest.  Will be back in a couple of ...