Wednesday, September 4, 2024


 The sweetness of September settles softly in my soul. 

Seeing the leaves begin to change -

watching a swallowtail enjoy a bit of sustenance -

gathering a handful of ripening fruit -

spotting a bird in flight...

all these and so much more makes the month of September sweet.

May it also settle softly in your soul.



"Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones." Prov. 16:24 (NIV)


  1. [all these and so much more makes the month of September sweet.

    May it also settle softly in your soul.]

    If it doesn't, your photo's sure do.


  2. Beautiful words and photos. September is a lovely month.

  3. September is usually a quiet, sweet month with a slow transition to autumn.
    Happy September
    Best regards

  4. September is what I would like the summer months to be…cooler.

  5. I'm liking the cooler highs...80's... which is unusual for us.

  6. September seems to slow down from the hectic summer. We are feeling a slight chill in the air and a crispness especially the last few mornings when I take my walk. I hope you enjoy the start of September as we begin the new month.

  7. These are sweet things to appreciate in September for sure, Debbie. I love that trail with the trees, it looks peaceful. And the butterfly photo is very pretty. Oh, I can taste those home grown tomatoes from here. There's noting like them. The leaves are starting to slowly change here too. : )

    Enjoy this wonderful month of September, Debbie.


  8. Muchas gracias por tu amable visita.
    Un placer visitarte.
    Feliz Septiembre.
    Un abrazo.

  9. Lovely beginning to the month, Debbie.

  10. Lovely words and photos for "my" month. Thanks,

  11. Lovely photos, Debbie! Sweet September starts with cooler weather over here. Very welcome!

  12. Thank you so much for sharing these with us - a little peaceful quiet and beauty in the world is needed and I can always count on your to share some when I need to stop and take a breath and enjoy. September is here! We have had a few very cool nights and mornings and more heat coming but, truly, we don’t want summer to be completely over yet…just a break once in a while! Happy September to you. Rhonda Carpenter

  13. Happy September, Debbie. You've caught some lovely little things that add sweetness to this time of year. Thank you!

  14. I hope all is well in your neck of the woods! It sure looks lovely from here!

  15. Happy Autumn!
    Beautiful pictures, the days are shorter, and the morning air is crisp.

  16. Just beautiful. I love September. And your country setting is especially lovely! (Sketchbook Wandering)

  17. I'm getting caught up on September posts before the month is goneQ We have very little leaf color change here as of yet!


I love reading your comments. Thanks for leaving one.


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