Monday, August 12, 2024


 Morning's mist never fails to capture my attention. 

 This misty phenomenon gives a ghostly appearance to the landscape. 


I find myself seeking certain points of reference to make out what I know is there hiding. 

Perhaps this is much of how we live our lives.  We view happenings from an obscured perspective.  We search for guidance while we wait for clarity. 

Waiting is hard.  Yet, it is in the mist we learn to wait.  We find faith and strength  knowing the sun will rise... a new day is on its way.  What is hidden will be revealed and the mist will lift.  

God Bless - Everyone have a wonderful week.   Hugs - Debbie 

"...What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes."  James 4:14b (NIV)


  1. Your misty mornings are beautiful, Debby. I've always loved misty and foggy days. They are mysterious and quite lovely. Although, I don't like driving in them. Your words hit home for me today, and your words at the end are so special. I thank you for that. The first picture is my favorite, sooooo pretty.

    Have a blessed week, my friend.


    1. ooops, I spelled your name with a y, sorry. I have another blog friend named Debby. : )

  2. The mist is magical. You never know for sure what it is hiding. I like your observation that it is similar to our lives where we have an obscured view and are looking for clarity. I hope you have clear vision this week. Enjoy!

  3. I love these shots of the morning mist. I watch the fields sometimes as the fog rises from the earth here. It is as if the earth is breathing. Such serenity! You captured it beautifully.

  4. What gorgeous photos! I love fog and my Sweetie can’t understand it but there is something about the softening of things all around that make them quite magical. Have a magical week and stay cool and hydrated (another hot week coming!) - Rhonda Carpenter

  5. Beautiful photos and wonderful thoughts about mist!

  6. First of all thanks you for hopping by onto my Blog, ...
    Much appreciated. I never came to it (also cause it's mostly photo's) to add you to my bloglist, but when I saw your profile text I really want to add you to my bloglist, if you don't mind.

    As an artist I enjoy capturing God's treasures found in nature. Life has taught me that the extraordinary is what ones sees in the ordinary. It is my deepest hope that those who visit me at Harmony Hills will find beauty here and rest for the soul.

    This is soo true and worth mentioning, thanks for this.

  7. We have a retention pond behind our house that often fills with mist when the conditions are right. I love looking out the window, searching for the trees through the mist. I like your comparison to our lives when we're unsure of what lies ahead and just need to wait until we can see more clearly.

  8. What beautiful pictures. Mist and fog create such beauty.

  9. Very ethereal. And your observation is spot on. ❤️


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