Sunday, July 7, 2024

Rainbow and Other July Happenings

The first week of July brought us some much needed rain as well as a rainbow.  The sky had such a hazy appearance that it was hard to get a clear picture.

This one is a bit better but neither one captures the full beauty of this lovely gift.

It is rather hard to believe that we are starting the second week of July.  Wow this summer is racing by.

Would it not be nice to bottle up these sweet summer days and preserve them for next winter!


Speaking of preserving - this blackberry juice is ready to be made into jelly.  The fence row is full of ripening blackberries and we certainly do not want them to go to waste :)!  

Picked the first zucchini and squash of the season.  These are such versatile veggies.  Fried up with sweet corn and peppers makes them an excellent accompaniment to a grilled burger or hot dog.

With more heat on the way am planning on catching up with a bit of  summer reading.

"The Cottage at Glass Beach" by Heather Barbieri has me already turning the pages.  Have never read this author before.  She has written another book "The Lace Makers of GlenMara".  May add it to my reading list for the coming months.

 Lastly, an update on those apples mentioned in previous post.  The poor deer were getting the blame for eating them.  I was wrong.  Discovered this little fella with two other pals were the culprits.  There is a reason these bandits wear permanent masks. 

Well hope everyone's July is a good one.



"I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth."  Gen. 9:13 (NIV)  


  1. Hi Debbie....Your rainbow photos are lovely. Blackberry jelly with fresh berry juice sounds great, too. Very nice photos.
    Thank you so much for visiting Writing Straight from the Heart, too, and for commenting! Have a wonderful week. Susan

  2. P.S. I wrote down the two books you mentioned. They both sound good. I'll see if they are in the library here and, if not, if they can order them for me. Thanks!

  3. I love rainbows! So happy for you that it finally rained. Here in Europe we've been getting too much rain, it looks like autumn. Wonderful produce from the garden! And ohoh those bandits! Have a great week!

  4. Love the rainbows. They always make me smile when I spot one in the sky.
    Those racoons sure know how to cause some trouble.

  5. Great veggies this early. Ours only started two weeks ago. The rainbows are lovely. Hope this week is one of rainbows too!

  6. Good morning, Beautiful rainbow I have not seen one in person for a very long time. those raccoons get into sooooo much mischief
    Happy new week

  7. Oh, love the rainbow and glad you got some much needed rain (we did, too, but could use a bit more). And those raccoons are such terrors but with us, it’s the squirrels. They are chasing away all our birds and have become such bullies I’ve tried putting chili pepper on the suet cakes and one squirrel just eats it up like nothing (I read that they can taste it but birds cannot so it doesn’t harm the birds) at all!! The squirrels are also chewing on my screens in the sunroom, making holes in them :(. I may have to resort to other means but not sure what! - Rhonda Carpenter

  8. Oh, that little masked face! I suspect it was a raccoon that emptied my birdfeeder overnight a couple of weeks ago. I enjoyed reading about your July simple pleasures. A great way to start the month!

  9. Lovely rainbow to start the month! I glad you got some rain. We barely had any. Blackberry jelly sounds so good!! I've added you book to my summer collection. So far I've enjoyed several books that you were reading. I hope it isn't as warm down by you. I've been spending a lot of time at the pool in my development. Enjoy your week!

  10. Ahhh, love squash with New Mexico green chile and corn. Books sound good. My mom took lots of rainbow photos with her old Brownie box camera. Thanks for the memories.

  11. Oh dear! Cute critter unwelcome as he may be. lol

  12. Thank you for your lovely blog. Rainbows are so beautiful. And that little creature in your photo, I'm "diamond painting" it. They don't live in the wild here; it seems so special to see one like that.

    Love from me, Aritha.

  13. A lovely uplifting post! I'm on the lookout for blackberries too. They will be starting next week I think. Your garden visitor did make me laugh - all sweetness and innocence, I imagined sticky apples crumbs on his chops. Wishing you a wonderful week.

  14. Oh my, the raccoon is stealing the apples! A rainbow is such a special and beautiful gift to receive. And I'm glad you got some rain too. Your blackberry preserves are going to be wonderful, Debbie. And the zucchinis are growing nicely this year. Enjoy the Summer days, my friend. We've had hot days this week, and staying inside during the afternoons. I always appreciate your sweet posts, Debbie.


  15. You have so faithful (unlike me!) to visit my blog and leave a comment. I've just looked back at yours that I've missed and am loving the photos of your flowers, animal visitations, and the rainbow (which holds a significant meaning for me). I love it, too, whenever you post one of your drawings/paintings. Thank you! ❤️


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