Sunday, May 21, 2023

Glimpse of May


Hello Friends thought I would share a glimpse of May with you.

These two wanted to share too! 

Here is our first harvest of the season - radishes.

At a quick glance these blackberry blooms look very promising.  Will be doing some summer picking if they continue to flourish.


Caught sight of will soon be giving us a show.

Spotted these carefree flowers growing side by side.  They make a cute pair.

Speaking of a pair...the irises are in full swing.

Well hope you enjoyed catching a glimpse of May here at Harmony Hills. 

 Am looking forward to visiting all of you in the coming week.

God Bless


"You crown the year with your bounty, and your carts overflow with abundance.  The grasslands of the desert overflow; the hills are clothed with gladness...they shout for joy and sing." Psalm 62:11-12 & 13b (NIV)


  1. So beautiful. We've had a wonderful spring. Today was perfect!

  2. Great pictures. Fresh radishes make summer feel even better.

  3. Oh, your first radishes, how wonderful. I like just eating them plain sometimes. Your dogs look so happy and loving the outdoors. Speaking of outdoors, I did so much work outside today, and now I'm sore. That's so nice that you have a blackberry bush to pick one of Summer's finest fruits.

    Have a splendid week, Debbie.


  4. Wonderful post Debbie, no crops for me yet....but we are finishing the blackberries gathered and frozen last year. I still can't believe we were picking them in June, they were so early. I thought Luna would make herself sick nibbling them off the bushes, I'm sure she got her snout prickled more than once. Best wishes for a peaceful and creative week.


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