Sunday, April 10, 2022

Chilly Palm Sunday

In spite of it being a chilly Palm Sunday the Lenten Rose graced us with her subtle beauty.   

To not be outdone the flowering quince made an early debut.

Those Pussy willows didn't seem to mind the chill;


neither did the honey bees.  It was good to see them buzzing about.  They appear to love  Glory of the Snow nectar.

Last but not least the frilly butterfly daffodils wanted to be a special part of the day's show.

Hope everyone had a wonderful Palm Sunday.  Have a great week!



"The crowds that went ahead of him and those that followed shouted, "Hosanna to the Son of David!" 

"Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!"  "Hosanna in the highest!"  Matt:21:9 (NIV )


  1. I am so anxious to experience a bit of spring. It has been a long, hard winter here and I am looking forward to flowers and sunshine. xo Diana

  2. Your post brightens my day! Thanks.

  3. Such nice blooms on Palm Sunday. The flowering quince is such a pretty flower and color. It's chilly here today also, Debbie. I thought Spring came, then it rained and snowed a bit this morning.....but I'll take it. I hope the skies are blue for us soon, and the days get warmer. : ) You always have such lovely posts, and they warm my heart each time I visit.


  4. It's already getting into the 70s here. I'd like a little more cool spring. Love the photos as always.

  5. You're a bit ahead of us in the flower department! I have seen a few bees though. It's good to be digging in dirt again. I guess Easter will be chilly too, but He has risen!!!!
    Have a blessed day my friend!
    (Your blog is very pretty)

  6. I love this time of the year!

  7. So nice to see nature awakening in all its glory ! Wishing you a Happy Easter. xx

  8. I love seeing what is blooming near you. I don't think I've ever seen quince growing. All of these make me smile. We had fairly mild weather for Palm Sunday...and in fact since then too. I hope you have a blessed Holy Week and a wonderful Easter!

  9. Dear Debbie,
    I am not familiar with a few of the flowers here, Snow Nectar, and flowering quince, and they are just beautiful. I hope your Easter was a blessed one.
    Take care,

  10. I love all your spring flower photos--so pretty. And I'm sure very welcome after winter snows.

  11. Oh Debbie, it was so kind of you to drop by. I am happy you enjoyed the roses.
    Blessings dear friend

  12. Beautiful photos, spring appears in all its splendor, it has been a very good week here, the processions have been able to leave after two years with the pandemic without leaving and people have enjoyed a lot, with their masks and established measures but they have been able to enjoy and venerate the images in the streets.
    Happy day.
    Best regards


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