Sunday, November 8, 2020

November Afternoon

It was a lovely November afternoon... 

warm and sunny.

Perfect for a walk.

The sky was so blue.

Found a few rose hips growing along the way.

Later planted a batch of tulips. 

Did some pruning.

Then took time to "look up" and say Thank You for such a beautiful November afternoon. 
Hope all of you may enjoy one too. 

Hugs Debbie

"O Lord  my God, I will give you thanks forever."  Psalm 30:12b (NIV)  



  1. Your dogs are so handsome. It was a beautiful day. These days will probably come to an end in the next few days and we will be marching on into winter. So it goes...thankfully.

  2. Magnificent Shepherds
    Have a fantastic week!

  3. What a wonderful way to start my day. Love seeing the boys!
    Have a safe and Blessed week

  4. The doggies look so happy and healthy! We are enjoying this glorious weather too! God bless you!

  5. Our weather too has been glorious -- far warmer than normal -- but a great time to look up in that azure blue sky, give thanks, and get outside before the winter descends ...

  6. I should get cracking and plant some seeds too. This year I tried to collect them from plants I already had just to see if they would grow. I also need to buy some bulbs but haven't had any luck with the ones we got from our local store lately. Next year I will try to order some from the Netherlands and, hopefully, they will sprout. Enjoy these lovely November days.

  7. I see that you enjoyed the beautiful, mild weather yesterday and were able to do things outside. It is a blessing to have such nice weather at this time of year! Enjoy these beautiful days!!!

  8. November is starting out wonderful for you, Debbie. It sounds like a lovely walk. And I noticed two dogs - I thought you only had one. Your tulips are going to be pretty when they bloom. The Psalm verse is beautiful. I'm so thankful too. : )


  9. Really does look like the perfect November day that I so enjoy too :-))

  10. What a wonderful day for a walk! The dogs are enjoying it as well!

  11. November is proving to be a beautiful month... still colors to be seen. And the sky SO blue and crisp. Your dogs look very happy in the wide open spaces.!!!! Have a wonderful day!!!

  12. Oh such a perfect day... I can feel your delight in everything Debbie xx

  13. Sounds like a nice putter-y day. I love those.


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