Sunday, October 4, 2020


 October is beginning to blush.

There are little passages of color here and there.

Some wonderful contrasts are making a statement.

Not all of the flowers are gone.  The Malva often waits until fall to share her lovely blossoms.

Sweet Violas continue to bloom abundantly.  They seem to enjoy the cooler season.

Even these two brave dandelions are not quite ready to say goodbye.

Naturally the Asters and Goldenrod are celebrating the start of October's blush.

Hope all of you have a delightful week.   Keep safe and keep "Looking Up".



"That fading flower, his glorious beauty set on the head of a fertile valley, will be like a fig ripe before harvest - as soon as someone sees it and takes it in his hand, he swallows it."  Isaiah 28:4


  1. Bonjour ma chère Debbie,

    Un immense merci tout d'abord pour ton adorable message sur mon blog.

    Une promenade automnale très agréable...Dame Eté joue la résistante avec la présence des fleurs.

    Un joli petit billet,

    🌿🌸 Gros bisous 🌸🌿

  2. Hello Debbie, lovely to see you. These images are so uplifting and quite beautiful, those colours are wonderful. All the best xx

  3. Beautiful photos. I like the blush reference. I’m smiling.

  4. Great photos!! Right now there isn't much of a change showing that autumn is on it's way here...except for the goldenrod. Wishing you a great week!

  5. I like the idea of the trees blushing. Stay warm and have a nice week.

    1. Hi Lisa thank you for visiting me. I am sure you are beginning to see some blush in your part of the country. Hope you have a great day.

  6. There is something beautiful in all the seasons, and I enjoy seeing your photos of the changes. Have a great week!

  7. The Fall colors are really starting to show up now.... and I love that there is still flowers around. The air today is crisp and very pleasant. I hope it stays for awhile.
    Enjoy your week!!!

  8. I am enjoying your October blush, Debbie! Such lovely photos. Enjoyed seeing what's still blooming in your part of the world. Brave dandelions, indeed!

    Wishing you a beautiful week ahead...
    Brenda xo

  9. October is blushing! I so love that thought... and hope I never forget your description... it truly is blushing. It looks beautiful there. We have something blooming here in the wild lands that looks very much like your last photo. The broomy yellow flowers one... what is that? Is that wild or did you plant it? I’m wondering if it is the same as we have. I told my husband a couple days ago I don’t know what it is and need to look it up. I’m so curious!

  10. Beautiful, Debbie! You brought back some memories, too. When I was a little girl, we called the violas Johnny jump ups. So pretty!

  11. Those purple Violas are beautiful, Debbie. You know, that is my favorite color. Autumn is now showing its beauty around your area. And I like how you compared it to blush. The Goldenrod is so pretty too. There is even loveliness in the Dandelion. They are called weeds here, but I think they still have beauty. : )

    I hope you have many good October days.


  12. How beautiful Debbie, it is exciting to see the transformation of nature, to see the change and the preparation for a new season, as it adapts to the future.
    It is great and to contemplate it all a pride.
    Happy weekend.

  13. The colors and the crisp air is why I love autumn. Have a wonderful weekend!

  14. So sweet with October`s blush. Beautiful colors and beautifully presented in your photos of the reds, violets and dandelion!! Your heart for the beauty of God`s creation shines through! Blessings!♡

  15. Dear Debbie, Your blog always gives us joy and hope. You're sensitive and so caring. Thank you very much. Please stay safe. ((Hugs)), Love, Sadami

  16. My favorite month has started and I just love the autumn colors . Downside is the colder weather that I don't like and here it already started getting cold .


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