Sunday, February 11, 2018

Work in Progress

Are we not all a work in progress?  I know I am.

In fact with each passing year there seems to be more progress needed to just remain the same...stronger glasses to read the fine print...extended exercise time to keep one's shape...a healthier diet for various changes that come with age.

This past Friday my dear Mom had to undergo  a rather routine procedure...angioplasty and stents.  She went in one day and returned home the next.  (BTW- she is doing well).

Modern medicine has certainly made great strides in amazing ways.  What would have been a long recovery from open heart surgery in years past is now an overnight stay.  Who knows in time what "new" miraculous techniques will be found to cure or simplify other health issues. 

Often as we get older we struggle against change and progress.   We think the past ways were better and perhaps in some areas that may be true.   Today though I am grateful for those who continue to press on to improve life and keep us all being "works in progress". 

"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb.   I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well."   Psalm 139: 13-14 (NIV).

May each of you have a lovely week.

Hugs Debbie


  1. Glad to hear your mother is doing well Debbie. Yes, I also am thankful for progress in medicine but it is still difficult to reconcile myself with getting older. I wish we that we could reach a certain age, say 50, and continue getting older without our bodies ageing and then simply fall asleep forever. Ectreme wishful thinking, I know.

  2. What a lovely post! Full of hope. I'm glad your mom is doing well-that must be a relief to you and your hubby. Your painting is stunning! Thank you for your encouraging words!!!Love to you...

  3. Love the pic and so glad your Mom is well. I like the Alice In Wonderland quote that says, "I am a different person today than yesterday." Something like that.

  4. I am so glad that your mom is doing so well. It is amazing to see some of the wonderful progress that has been made in medicine and health. May we continue to graciously adapt to our new ages with God's assistance. Your painting is so lovely. I love that flower against the smaller areas. Enjoy your week, Debbie.

  5. Hi Debbie, Nice to hear your Mother is recovering well. Modern day surgeries are so amazing. Your WIP painting is wonderful. Such a beautiful and thought-provoking post too. Sending prayers for your Mother's continued return to health and speedy healing. Be blessed!

  6. Gorgeous painting -- so glad you're mom is doing well -- and yes, we're all a work in progress! Have a great week!

  7. I love your painting! Happy to know your mother is ok, Debbie, thanks to modern medicine. Yes we are all a work in progress, the work never stops. :)

  8. Yes, so true, Debbie, we are all works in progress...And it does take continual work. I'm glad your mom is doing well.

    Your flowers are just gorgeous, gently and loving, so very pleasant, the way you represented this beauty of nature.

  9. You are absolutely right Debbie , and I love your pretty watercolors...not in progress though , I believe :-))

  10. So glad your Mom is doing well :) Yes, some medical advances are so amazing, aren't they? Love this WIP - it tells me spring will come soon soon soon :)

  11. Beautiful post Debbie. I'm so glad your Mom is doing well. I will be praying she continues to heal. When my daughter went to the hospital to close the hole in her heart, she as well went home the next day. It's amazing what they do now. I truly believe it's better...this way theyre not subjected to hospital germs. Your watercolors are absolutely beautiful (gorgeous colors). Enjoy the rest of the evening!!!!

  12. So glad your mom is doing well. And I agree we're all works in progress.

  13. wonderful thoughts to be grateful for medical and technological progress and the things they help us with, so good to know that your mom is doing well and I just love your pretty paintings always...Have a wonderful week

  14. Debbie, that's a beautiful work in progress! I hope your week is going well... Blessings, Victoria

  15. Hi Debbie, your work in progress is very promising and I,m happy for you about your mom , such an important person in our lives. You are so lucky to still have her with you.Take care, Hugs

  16. Bonjour chère Debbie,
    Un grand merci pour ton adorable message...
    Je suis heureuse d'apprendre que la chirurgie de ta maman se soit bien déroulée... Je lui souhaite un prompt rétablissement.
    Tu nous offre un très joli patchwork de couleurs acidulées avec ces belles oeuvres... Des fleurs qui doivent être précieuses à regarder pour ta maman...
    Je t'envoie plein de bisous 🌸

  17. That's a beautiful painting and it's so refreshing to hear of your mom's quick recovery!

  18. Stunning painting Debbie!!!

    i agree with new technology process of surgeries have easen and shortened


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Seeing this lovely violet patch blooming reminded me that I had been wanting to gather a few.   Many years ago I had candied some to decorat...