Saturday, January 6, 2018

A Blank Page

Well friends it is another new year...a blank page awaits.

New challenges are all a part of what could be written on this page.

Last January my "perfect word" was became my focus and what I held onto during my Dad's illness and death.  It continued to sustain me as we moved forward to meet the changes that come with losing someone dearly loved.

With the coming of 2018 I believe God's perfect word for me is "new".   To explain how I know this is the word for me would be too lengthy to post - so to keep it simple I didn't choose this word it just kept showing up until I knew it was the one!
Funny how God has a wonderful way of letting us know certain things at certain times.  Guess we just have to be listening!

What new things may be coming
is yet to be discovered.  Looking forward to seeing what will be written on that blank page.

How about all of you ?   Is there a "perfect word" you will share?  Hope you will - I would so love hearing yours. 

Before I sign off will leave you with a scripture that seemed to confirm my "perfect word" for 2018.

"Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past.  See I am doing a new thing!  Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland."  Isaiah 43:18-19.(NIV)

God Bless



  1. Wishing you and yours a most prosperous, joyous, healthy 2018!!

  2. I love the blank page as a symbol for the new year. Anything is possible! I am not sure what my perfect word is yet. Wishing you a wonderful NEW year, Debbie!

  3. Beautiful post, Debbie!
    I do not have a perfect word. I will ask God and see what He says.

  4. May our blank pages fill up the year with goodness.

  5. Great post, dear friend.
    NEW fits for me too. We will be moving from our house into a totally NEW lifestyle. I thank you for Isaiah 43:18-19. Such encouragement.

  6. Lovely words Debbie. I love the gentleness with which you share your life. I have never tried choosing a word for the year. Maybe it's time to start.

  7. Options seems to be my word. It came from a part of an ad that I cut out of a magazine some time ago. I left it on my desk and it kept floating to the top of the stack of papers that seems to live there. So I am exploring my OPTIONS this year.

  8. Happy New Year, my friend! I hope that this "new" year will bring you many "new" inspirations, "new" joys, "new" friends, and "new" loves. I have never chosen a work for the year, so I will have to ponder it a bit. Wishing you a wonderful week!

  9. Happy New Year, and happy "new" word :). May 2018 hold an abundance of the beautiful new for you.

    My word is "flow"--and I'm looking forward to seeing what flows into and out of my life this year.

  10. I have stuff from the Bible-usually I have a word or phrase, but this year it's different. Isaiah 58 is my chapter for this year, and Luke 6:26-36.
    Love to you...

  11. Like you my perfect word for 2018 is New , but there is another word that insists in my mind and it is Change. Wishing you all the best.

  12. Debbie, it will be wonderful to see what "new" things are in your future. I guess for us the word would be "fun or expansion" as Mike retires in May we are expanding our horizons and going to do some traveling and having fun together. Our first trip is planned for late May, going to PA for some fun on some trails in our Jeep with a local Jeep group we joined several months ago. It will include some camping which is new for us also. Such fun to look forward to. Right now the word is clean-up as today I am cleaning up after roof leaks due to the melting ice from our recent storms. I had been wanting to clean those cupboards, just not this way. LOL It's all good! God bless, dear friend.

  13. Enjoy a wonderful new year of new experiences. Sounds like the perfect word to keep things from the past from filling up our days. I don't know what my word would be, but 'relax' comes to mind as being a good choice at the moment.

  14. Another wonderful. post, Debbie. I don't have a word for the year - perhaps "change" because I would like to change some things about me. I love that last photo of the tree in the snow (as long as I don't have to feel the cold! ha ha)

  15. what sublime way to share the new year my dear friend!!!

    mine was always HOPE and will always be because hope is a thing which grows out of FAITH and faith is something which makes MIRACLES happen

    wishing you new healthy ,peaceful and serene year full of HOPE and prosperity ,amen

    sorry of your dear dad ,may he rest in peace and may your heart be blessed with patience and strength to bear the pain and to move on by accepting the reality of life

  16. Bonjour chère amie chère Debbie,

    Une belle note d'optimisme ! Je suis tout à fait d'accord avec toi (je m'autorise le tutoiement !).
    Un bien joli mot que celui de "nouveau" !...
    Il faut toujours avancer la tête haute. Que cette année t'apporte joie, bonheur, créativité, réalisation de tes désirs les plus fous !

    Plein de bisous

  17. Hi Debbie thank you for your insightful words. My word would be Creativity. This word is quite joyful and I look to it during these short dreary dark January days. The world feels almost closed in with little sunlight, yet creativity can mean making a new recipe for warming meals, changes the curtains and lighting to create a warm atmosphere. Painting is obviously creative but I did find myself painting more with feeling than trying to get a likeness of a landscape, this certainly feels creative and I like the way that idea is going!

  18. Thank you for sharing a wonderful post full of insightful thoughts. The quoted section is lovely. I do not specify a word though, favourite words are "joy" and "love" to keep them in any context. I hope you'll move forward, but please take your time and take care. Best wishes, ((Hugs)), Sadami

  19. Happy New Year, Debbie! I like your word for 2018. I have two words for this year: hope and faith. Blessings, Victoria


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