Sunday, April 16, 2017

...He Lives

                 "Because He lives  I can face tomorrow; Because He lives all fear is gone; Because I know He holds the future, And life is worth the living just because He lives."   Gloria Gaither & William Gaither

"Why do you look for the living among the dead?  He is not here; He has risen!  Luke 24:5b (NIV)

Have a Blessed Easter  

Hugs Debbie


  1. He is indeed risen, dear friend. Praise God! Happy Easter to you, your photo is gorgeous!

  2. One of my favorite scriptures, Debbie! Lovely photo, too.
    Happy Easter!!

  3. Beautiful words on this most joyous of days. I would love to send you a card or note Debbie. Please send me your address at: stories(dot)scribbles(at)gmail(dot)com.

  4. Most truly He has risen! Joy of joys! Hope of all hopes!
    A glorious Easter to you, Debbie.

  5. Debbie, this very same song was in my mind today. These are words full of truth and beauty. I do hope you have had a blessed day. Happy Easter to you and your family.

  6. Beautiful photo and verse! Happy Easter!

  7. Wishing you wonderful Easter blessings, Debbie. Thank you for posting the verse and song lyrics...they were just what my heart needed to hear.


  9. Hope your Easter was filled with many blessings, dear Deb.

  10. Wishing you and your family a wonderful Easter. Enjoy the many blessings we have been given. Beautiful words of comfort and renewal. Happy Easter, my friend!

  11. Dear Debbie, I'm a little late, but I hope you had a blessed Easter. Your photo is beautiful.

  12. Belated Happy Easter, Debbie. Such beautiful pink blossoms on your cherry tree!

  13. I hope your Easter was everything you wished it to be Debbie, thank you for your post of hope... badly needed in this injured world.
    Gorgeous photo of nature at it's most beautiful, I do love seeing the bee going about its important work too. Cheers :D) xx

  14. Thank you for this post Debbie, and for your visit to my blog.
    You have uplifted my spirits many times both with your posts and your emails.. There were many dark times this past two years, and I've gotten through it because of friends like you. And your words, 'looking up for you.'
    Thank you my friend. Have a beautiful week ..

  15. Dear Debbie,
    That song is one of my favorite Christian songs, thank you for writing it. When I was reading your post I was also singing. Belated Happy Easter. Many thanks for your beautiful comments in my blog. God bless you always

  16. thanks for the information and knowledge that you have shared with readers. I hope you can still give all your knowledge with a variety of creative ideas.

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  17. HE LIVES and that fact puts all else into perspective... isn't it wonderful?!

  18. I like your articles, some of which have inspired me. thank you

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  19. God bless you-hope your Easter was wonderful too...

  20. I hope you had a wonderful Easter, Debbie! Big hugs and many blessings!!


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