Sunday, March 5, 2017

Lovely Gifts

March brought us some lovely gifts.

A patch of snow in a shady glade...

Two robins enjoying the day...

a promise of blooms to come...

and a bit of sunshine for some play time.

Hope March is bringing you some wonderful gifts too.

Hugs Debbie



  1. Dearest Debbie, lovely gifts indeed! What treasures! Thank you so much for sharing. I hope you have a great week. Hugs and love to you. :)

  2. How beautiful, Debbie. Nature's blessings and your sweet companions.
    Wishing you a week full of joy.

  3. Good day Debbie, Can you believe it is almost spring? I actually have some patches of dirt showing in my garden now but still about a foot of frozen snow all around. Everytime I see a dog with a frisbee in it's mouth I wonder if the inventor of the frisbee even imagined it would be a favorite dog toy. If dogs could shop they'd be lined up at Petco to get themselves a new frisbee. Just imagine. LOL Have a blessed day.

  4. Love it, even March. It's all good.

  5. Love your photos-the doggies look so healthy and happy. We are so anxious for warm spring-but I'll take even a cold one!

  6. Great pics and wonderful reminder of the simple blessings in life. The robins look large and well fed. So do the gorgeous dogs who obviously love active play. How did you get them to pose for such a great photo? It's a keeper for sure.
    Spring winds are hitting my area and I close my eyes and pretend I am at the beach. Sand and wind are the same but somehow it sounds more glamorous to be at the coast than the desert.
    Enjoy a blessed week with joy in your heart.

  7. You always remind me to look for blessings right at my feet, Debbie. March is when I can really see the changes coming. I love that anticipation feeling.

  8. Play Time Yay!
    Have a Wonderful Week Debbie

  9. You have some lovely gifts there ... happy to enjoy them with you, especially those two lads with the frizbee.

    Wishing you a happy week ahead...

  10. March is one of my favourite months. How nice that you got a patch of snow.

  11. Well,I would say your blog is one of those wonderful gifts!
    How lovely that you see the beautiful in simple things. Great post, Debbie!

  12. Love the nature photos, Debbie...yes, they are lovely gifts. We have had a few cold, windy days, but I have found some hits of spring to come. Enjoy the sunshine!

  13. Bonjour chère amie,

    Oh oh !! Icarus mon dalmatien viendrait bien jouer avec tes toutous ! Il adore jouer au frisbee ! Il a le même !
    En ce moment la météo est un peu capricieuse. Demoiselle Printemps veut s'imposer mais Dame Hiver n'est pas décidée à laisser son trône !
    Cette semaine dernière les jonquilles sauvages formaient des tapis magnifiques dans la forêt. J'ai trouvé le spectacle féerique.
    Merci pour l'ensemble de tes belles photos. Finie la neige, j'espère !

    Gros bisous 🌸

  14. I also have a robin in my little garden ( I think every garden has one ) , but he is always alone, never saw two robins together , and looks like these two are males. Thanks for these pretty photos reminding us Spring is just around the corner.

  15. Isn't it lovely to enjoy those gifts we're brought. I'm glad you're having those sunshiney days, the dogs to look ready for a happy game.
    Cheers Debbie and thanks for the reminder that it's all about the small things in life that really matter :D)

  16. Look at those fat little robins and those happy dogs! Everyone knows that Spring is coming soon:)

    Lovely pictures as always. Thank you! Hope the week is off to a good start.

  17. Been a beautiful March here ... but up and down temps ... your spring looks great too!

  18. Your spiritual look at nature does my soul good, thank you...

  19. Nice nature photographs, I can almost smell spring coming. And your dogs look like they're posing--very cute picture!

  20. Just wonderful photos. So nice to look at!

  21. Yeah, playtime outdoors!! Beautiful photos, I can't wait to see your flowers bloom. Enjoy your weekend friend! xx

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  23. Hi Debbie; have missed you! Love seeing your babies! The watercolor a couple of posts back is absolutely beautiful; love it!

  24. Looks like someone is ready to play! March has been absolutely gorgeous here. We're probably enjoying the last of our comfortable weather for a good long time, so I'm loving every moment.


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