Sunday, February 28, 2016


The bluebird of happiness stopped by to visit.

Such a shy beauty.  

So pleased she agreed to pose for the camera.   Hope to see her again soon.

Speaking of posing...

these two were certainly not camera shy.

May everyone's week be filled with happiness!

Hugs Debbie


  1. The country bluebird is wonderful, but the dogs? Spectacular.

  2. Bluebirds and happiness -- great duo!!! Hope you are having a wonderful weekend. Temps warm today, falling again later this week ... stay well!

  3. I always enlarge your photos so I can really enjoy them. The bluebird is so pretty. Is he perched on old cornstalks? The color combination is beautiful.
    I have always liked the poem so this is a nice reminder of its words too.
    ...but look beyond the mountains where...
    As for the pic of the Two Lords of the Manor watching over their domain...well that makes me truly happy. They really bonded didn't they?
    Thank you and have a wonderful week, my friend.

  4. I didn't know there was such a thing a bluebirds. The only time I have heard of them is in the old Vera Lynn song 'There'll be bluebirds over the white cliffs of Dover'. It looks a little like our Robin except in different colours.
    Loving the two dogs - yes, they are such posers. Stay happy.

  5. DEBBIE, The dogs are looking happy, healthy and full of mischief..I bet. I love that we got our 2 Pyrenees pups at the same time you got your Shepards as pups. They have all grown up at the same time and I bet you love those dogs as we love ours. You will have to paint the bluebird.

  6. What an exquisite bird! Wish we had them here. As for those last two grounded "birds", they look great, Debbie!!

  7. What beautiful birds you have in your neck of the woods Debbie! Beautiful dogs too!

  8. Look at those faces! So happy!

    It looks like gorgeous weather. No wonder the bluebird and everyone else is in a good mood:) And beautiful photos, thank you.

    Hope that your weekend was a good one. On to Monday!

  9. Hello Debbie! You're very lucky seeing a bluebird. Well I always thought it was a sign of chance and of happiness when a bluebird comes by. Maybe because he's a little shy of showing himself...Who knows! Hope you enjoy the present week, Hugs

  10. We don't have bluebirds here, surely wouldn't mind a couple of them in my garden :-) Wishing you a happy week too :-)

  11. What a beautiful bird, Debbie! Living in a city in an appartment for three years now, I realized I miss the green and above all the birds. So these pictures make me very happy, thanks!

  12. Lovely photos. we do not have bluebirds here and I wish we did. Your pups look very regal. Love them.

  13. Great photos!!! Hope your day was great! Happy Leap Year Day!!!

  14. Love the photos--beautiful bird, and those dogs are just gorgeous. We have a German Shepherd at the barn who is just the sweetest thing--I always think of her when I see your dogs.

  15. What a wonderful gift to have him stop by. He's so colorful against the dried stalks. Love your dogs. They're so beautiful, and they look like they'd do anything for you!

  16. Your dogs are so cute. I am glad that the bluebird stopped by. I have never seen one up close before.

  17. The shot is very nice and pure , I am very happy to see the images like this that make me want to be a professional photographer .

  18. Your words along with your beautiful photos are always uplifting. Love seeing your two buddies at the end, they look like they are enjoying the fresh air! Have a great day!

  19. Been prayin' for you. Missed you dear. Hope all is well.

  20. Debbie, thank you for your comment on the kitties! I must admit, I like how they are coming along, too. And consider Bruno HUGGED!!! :)

  21. I love that you find the simple joys, Debbie. I try to do the same...

  22. Working through your posts, I see this photo has become a watercolor painting in a newer post! Your photos are really glorious!


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