Saturday, January 2, 2016


In January I generally am busy making plans for the coming year.

There is something exciting about a fresh start .  Setting goals always seems appropriate with the beginning of a new year.

Perhaps though for me the best plan for 2016 is to not make the usual list.   Maybe I will keep it simple and have only one plan...
to live each day savoring the moment and being grateful.

"In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps."
Proverbs 16:9 (NIV)

Wishing each of you a blessed New Year!



  1. I think that is an outstanding plan. Let it come naturally.

  2. Hi Debbie, thanks for stopping by my blog. I think you have the right idea with your goal - it is, after all, fundamental to happiness. What a beautiful pencil drawing! Wishing you a very happy new year!

  3. It sounds like a great plan, Debbie! :)

  4. Thank you Debbie for pointing me in the right direction, each new year I say this year I will do ... and something always comes along to change the way I'm going. So this year no set plans, I've decided to take life as it comes. It's taken me a long to time to realise that good health is more important. I send you my best wishes for aHappy and healthy 2016.

  5. Wishing you a very Happy 2016. So lovely to find you had visited me again. As I get older I realise more and more what is important, being thankful for our health.
    I think you have summed it up perfectly, to be in each moment and be grateful for each day. Always look for the positives.
    Looking forward to sharing your year, seeing your photographs and art, hearing your voice and your lovely thoughts. It is a beautiful world and we have so much to be grateful for. Wishing you the best for 2016. Millyx

  6. Wonderful plan!

    Have a Happy First Week of January and every week!

  7. A wonderful quote! Thank you. And your drawings are just lovely. Hope to see more of the things that make you happy this coming year.

  8. beautiful beautiful sketch and I think that sounds like the prefect plan!

  9. I think your plan is a good one Debbie. I don't know why we keep planning and finding new resolutions every year when we have so little control over our destiny. I guess it's the human way trying to assert itself. Thanks for sharing your sweet sketches and quotes all through the year. I wish you Happiness and Contentment during this New Year. Big hugs :)

  10. A wise plan Debbie and what could be more important than savouring the moment and feeling grateful!
    Your drawing is absolutely beautiful!

  11. Absolutely Debbie - keep it simple and you won't be disappointed. Wishing you all the best for the coming year - it has been a delight visiting your blog this year.

  12. That's a wonderful and most important plan for the new year, Debbie! You are so wise, and I find that your words of wisdom and lovely photography ground me with what is real and what is important. May your new year be a precious one!
    Your drawing is exquisite. I love black and white, pen and ink, line and shape.

  13. Living in the day is a good plan, Debbie. All the best wishes for the New Year! And I love your black and white work, gorgeous!

  14. The drawing is beautiful. I want to do more drawing and more black and white work this year, if color doesn't draw me back in! ha ha

  15. I totally agree with your plan. It makes a lot of sense to me. Happy new year Debbie.

  16. Your beautiful sketch inspires me to keep grounded and marvel at the beauty of nature and all that encompasses.
    I have plans but no great goals for this new year and I'm also inspired by that particular line from Proverbs!
    Warm hugs
    Shane x

  17. Such a beautiful plan Debbie! Living each moment as well as we can is so perfect ....
    And I agree!! Lovely work, my friend!

  18. Sounds like a good plan, Debbie!
    And I just adore your lovely, lovely sketch!

  19. I think savoring the moment and being grateful is a great way to tackle the new year! Wishing you all the best for a great 2016!!!

  20. My plan for2016 is the same as yours, one day at a time and enjoying the ride :-) Lovely drawing , so delicate ! Wishing you a wonderful New Year !

  21. Beautiful artwork!!!!
    I'm about where you are with plans-but just have a few things I need to change, so a new year seems to be a good spot to try starting!

  22. what a wonderful plan for the new year, just right. and your drawing is wonderful! i love it
    happy new year

  23. Sounds like a good plan! I love your drawing, too. It's beautiful. Happy New Year to you.

  24. Dear Debbie,
    Another year to dream and plan.. Sounds like you are off to a great start. You put such detail and life into your artwork... Love this drawing.
    Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving such kind words... I felt I needed to go ~out of the box~ as it were, and try something new. Although I really enjoyed incorporating crocheting with my needle felting, I will still continue to enjoy just needle felting..
    Enjoy your week Debbie.

  25. Dear Debbie,
    Another year to dream and plan.. Sounds like you are off to a great start. You put such detail and life into your artwork... Love this drawing.
    Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving such kind words... I felt I needed to go ~out of the box~ as it were, and try something new. Although I really enjoyed incorporating crocheting with my needle felting, I will still continue to enjoy just needle felting..
    Enjoy your week Debbie.

  26. LOVE your plans as well as your sketch!!! Very cold here -- after recording-breakingly hot in December .. even 15 minutes of snow flurries .... I hope your new year has begun as beautiful as your work!

  27. Stunning sketch - love black on white.
    I agree about being grateful for each day.
    We are all so blessed.

  28. Lovely drawing, lovely thoughts about The Fresh Start!

  29. Beautiful sketch to begin the year! I share your point of view ,wishing you a wonderful 2016!!

  30. I wish you all the very best in the New Year, Debbie!!
    Kathryn XX

  31. debbie really beautiful detailed drawing ...good plan ... wishing you a happy new year

  32. Happy New Year Debbie. I am taking a break from my art for a little while so that I can start to declutter this house. It has been driving me crazy and when the mood strikes so must I. Wish me luck as I will need it.


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