Wednesday, August 7, 2013


August hello! 

 July... You left in such a hurry I didn't even say goodbye.   Where does the time go?
It is good the garden makes note of  these fleeting days.   The Rose of Sharon above has started to bloom.   The hummers love this shrub.   So do I.

Sweet smelling garden phlox provides nectar for the butterflies and bees.
Sunflowers grow strong and give seed for the birds that stop to visit.
Daylilies continue to show off  their bright colors.
I am thankful that the garden keeps track of the time. 
Hope you are enjoying these summer days.
God Bless ! 


  1. Hi Debbie, it is so nice to see a post from you! I just love your photos.

  2. Nature continues to shower us with beauty. Blessings are abundant. It is always a pleasure to visit your blog, Debbie.

  3. Debbie, you live in heaven! It's always a pleasure seeing your photos! Enjoy your day!

  4. It really is flying, isn't it? What gorgeous flowers you have!

  5. Debbie, July did most certainly fly high. My Rose of Sharon and phlox are still blooming, but my day lilies faded early. Enjoy the last day of summer. Hugs!

  6. Gorgeous flowers with a background to match!

  7. Oh I love your Rose of Sharon, I have killed a couple of those for some reason! My phlox and day-lilies are blooming like crazy, it feels summer is coming on so strong now and fall will be here before we know it! As you say, where on earth does the time go? Are we going to see that Rose of Sharon in a painting soon? Have a wonderful weekend!

  8. GORGEOUS FLOWERS!!! Thanks so much for sharing your treasures.

  9. I just love seeing your wonderful garden photos, I am so over winter here and cannot wait for our Spring that's not far away

  10. I'm always happy to see other people 's garden. It makes the season last longer and you do take great shots. Have a happy weekend Debbie.

  11. I do love the summer, and I'm always sad when the robins stop the morning and evening singing. I've already heard flocks of geese go over!
    I wish we had a Rose of Sharon bush-they're so pretty...

  12. You are so lucky to have such beauty around you and you appreciate it too. Lovely post.

  13. Love that purple Rose of Sharon. Wouldn't a hedge of this be gorgeous?

  14. I love those beautiful and colorful flowers. Thanks for sharing them. God bless and have a nice day.

  15. July's gone.....I should keep better watch on these things. Your flowers are absolutely gorgeous.


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