Tuesday, February 12, 2013

A Special Night

Tonight is special.  One year ago on this date I hit publish and the "View From Harmony Hills "  became a blogspot.

It has been an amazing year.  I have seen the world and never left my hilltop.  Traveling to the UK, Canada, Australia, Germany, Scotland, Italy, the Island of Malta, and all over the US has been such a blessing.

All of you have made me feel so welcome...you have invited me into your homes and shared your dreams, your lives and your loves.    Thank You!

I wish to express a special thanks to Diana M Davis .   She was my first visitor.  If you have never stopped by her blog be sure you do.   Her watercolors are breathtaking.   Barbara Joan  was the second to visit me.   Her encouraging words gave me the faith to keep posting.   BJ's art is extraordinary.   She works not only with watercolor but pencil as well.  Bless you both for making this "newbie" feel at  home. 

Blogging does take time and effort but the rewards are great!  God Bless all of you on this special night.   I am so grateful you let me share my view with you.    




  1. Happy Blog Anniversary!
    You give blogging a good name.

  2. Congratulations on completing your first blogging year! Your blog is a gem!! :-)


  3. What a pretty little bluebird! Congratulations on your year!

  4. Congratulations on your first year! I love your little bluebird watercolor, I wish you the best!

  5. Congratulations, Debbie! I am always excited to see your newest post in my InBox - thank you for sharing your gifts with us!

  6. Happy to have you as a blogging buddy.

  7. Many congratulations on this anniversary. I completely agree with you about blogging getting you to meet people from all over the world. It's one of the best aspects. Thank you for sharing your paintings with all of us.

  8. Happy Blogiversary! I am glad that you decided to blog. I always enjoy your post.

  9. It's very sentimental reading a post about someones FIRST YEAR of BLOGGING. So true, Debbie....it's like visiting the world! Mine was in Jan....a year goes by very fast. It is wonderful making new friends in the blogging world and you, my dear are one to me! Blessings and Happy Valentines Day! Roxie

  10. Happy Blog Anniversary!!! Thank you for sharing your thoughts and work with all of us. Isn't it wonderful how we can reach across the world so easily? It is even more fun when you get to meet fellow bloggers who live in other places. Enjoy!

  11. Happy Blog Anniversary!!! Thank you for sharing your thoughts and work with all of us. Isn't it wonderful how we can reach across the world so easily? It is even more fun when you get to meet fellow bloggers who live in other places. Enjoy!

  12. Thank you Debbie. Blogging makes the world feel like such a smaller place.

  13. Congratulations Debbie! Blogging is so interesting isn't it?! Love visiting your blog and you always delight with art such as your little Blue Jay! Thank You! ~ Diane

  14. Happy Blog Anniversary, Debbie! I'm glad I found your blog, and you found mine.

    Such a pretty view you have from the top of your hill, and I love the painting of the Blue Jay.



  15. Congratulations on your anniversary! I am so glad you hit publish a year ago. Bonnie

  16. Congratulations Debbie on reaching the year milestone. Blogging world is fabulous as we get to meet some really lovely people. You are one of them and I am glad you entered the blogging world. Your blue jay is just so adorable. Reminds me of my first visit to Canada when I thought these birds were just so exotic. I was constantly taking a closer look through binoculars. The locals thought I was crazy as they were just common average blue jay birds for them. So I am so glad you elevated the blue jay's status with your painting. :-)

  17. Happy Blog Anniversary!! Thank you so much Debbie for your kind words. You and your blog mean so very much to me. I feel we are close friends and I've been so blessed by your faith and you. God bless you too dear friend and keep it up. love and hugs, Diana

  18. hHppy one year blog Anniversary...I am so glad to be a part of your blog friends. I went back and read your first blog post.I was surprised to find we started our art in much the same way \0/ Your blog has grown and developed so nicely. My first year was full of learning to use my computer and lots of whining LOL.

  19. O wow, beautiful, serene picture.. O, you forgot to add Singapore to your list -- I've definitely enjoyed, and looked wistfully at, your hilltop :)

  20. Sehr schöne Fotos. Ich liebe auch das Aquarell. Herrlich gemalt. Kompliment;-)

  21. Hello there!
    I am glad you are a blogger and that we met! It's wonderful how this avenue opens up friendships! I am very blessed to have you in my life.
    Love, Debra


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