Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Victims of Hurricane Sandy

 My thoughts today are with the victims of Hurricane Sandy.  I know that many blogging friends as well as family are struggling in the aftermath of this huge storm.
We were blessed here with only rain and gusty winds.  Unfortunately for so many that was not the case.
The simple task of making applesauce... 
baking a batch of cornmeal muffins...
or gathering a handful of fallen leaves should not be taken for granted.  
Life can be so uncertain.   Even the small things we do daily are great gifts.  
I am certain that those who have lost loved ones, homes, and a way of life to Sandy would agree. 
I am looking up for all who were caught in the storm - hope you will join me.  God Bless!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Thinking of Home

Thinking of Home
I did this drawing sometime ago with graph tint pencils.   It was sketched from a photograph of an African wolf.   There was something about the tilt of the head and the look in the eye that drew me to title the drawing  "Thinking of Home".
In fifty plus years there have been three places I have called home.  Wonderful memories are associated with each one.   The first was where I grew up.  The second was a small efficiency apartment.  Hubby and I started our married life there.   The third is where I now live.   
Having experienced homesickness a few times
I  identify with Dorothy in  the "Wizard of Oz".   Her entire goal was to get home.  Was it Kansas she missed or those she loved?
For me home is not the location.  It is the representation of love and acceptance of those who live there.
If in this life one finds that place they are indeed blessed. 
Hoping you are all somewhere called home.   

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Books make wonderful friends.   They can encourage,  inspire, and change how you look at the world.

In almost every room in my home there is stack of them lying about.  It would seem strange to not have something to pick up and read. 

When I was young I read mostly fiction.  Mysteries and romance novels were at the top of the list.   Now I more often choose something spiritual or uplifting that causes me to pause and think. 
      Hubby enjoys reading as well.  Often times we spend a rainy day browsing through a bookstore.

My personal library includes art-related subjects, gardening manuals, cookbooks and a few children's classics. 
                                 There is never a problem selecting something for a good bedtime story.      

 In fact I think it is time for me to go find a good book to close the day.

Have a good night.   God Bless!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

simple pleasures


 Here are a few simple pleasures I enjoyed this weekend.
The last rose of the season from my Mother's garden.


Fall's foliage
  A late afternoon walk
to view autumn's fading beauty.
Preparing the garden for it's winter rest.

A finished painting.
Thanks for letting me share these simple pleasures
with you.
God Bless!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

My palette needed...

My palette needed some tweeking.  Sometimes there are just too many colors available.   I am like a kid in a candy store when it comes to buying a new tube of paint.
So this evening I got busy and  put my existing palette aside.
Exchanged it for this one.
   The colors I chose are Quinacridone red - Napthol red - Azo yellow - Quinacridone Gold (this is one of my favorites and I never like to run out) - Burnt Sienna - Paynes Gray - Phthalo Green - Ultramarine Blue - and Phthalo Blue.   The reason I included burnt sienna it can be exchanged for a red, paynes gray for a blue and phthalo green makes a wonderful dark when mixed with its complement.
 I then pulled out some lovely melrose apples - cut a couple of branches from my apple tree and gathered my butterfly (who is deceased but in good shape) to create a still life of sorts.

I took several photos and practiced a few drawings before deciding on a design.

Sometimes just making a few changes can lead to inspiration.
Thanks for letting me share.  Have a great day!
God Bless.  

Saturday, October 13, 2012

It was a perfect autumn day for...

It was a perfect autumn day for the Algonquin Mill Festival.  Hubby and I have been attending this  annual affair for years.   When it first started there were just a few locals that got together.  They would have a barn dance and some refreshments.   Now hundreds visit this lovely spot. 

What makes the festival so successful is the careful planning that the historical society does to make everything special.  There is something for everyone to enjoy. 

              There is a train trip for the young...

or a wagon ride...
a bookstore...  
  a car show... 
 great music ...
and art. 
Of course this festival would not be complete without good food.
The chicken is cooked on an open fire.    One can dine at picnic tables or sit on top of the hillside.  I prefer the latter because the view is spectacular.
Hope you enjoyed the Mill Festival.   Thanks for coming along.    

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

A charming symbol of the past!

Manfull's Orchard and Farm market is a  charming symbol of the past that continues to thrive in the present.  It has been owned by the same family for over 100 years. 
Located in the small village of Augusta, Ohio it welcomes locals as well as visitors.   Here neighbors and friends gather to chat and catch up on the latest news. 
In autumn the market is a feast for the eyes.  Large pumpkins, gourds, and potted mums line the front of the building.    Inside lovely handmade furniture and crafts are showcased waiting for someone to take them home.    
 There is a great variety of apples from which to choose.    Yellow delicious is always a favorite.
Melrose will make a great sauce.

In this changing world it is pleasant to know some places withstand the test of time.
    So glad I could share the legacy of this special market.
Hope you enjoyed your vist.          

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Some updates...

Just some updates ... We've become friends! 
 Isn't it amazing what a few apples or carrots can do to build a friendship.  It has been my experience that often times breaking bread together builds good relations.   There is something wonderful that happens when folks share a meal (or an apple or carrot) .  Walls come down and bridges are built.  
Just like my new friend - we may differ in our perspective but we both enjoy a crunchy treat.  
 Speaking of treats...the flower fairy visited and left Mr. Scarecrow with an armload of blossoms.   He is now complete.  
In keeping with the season of gathering I have been collecting odd bits and pieces of nature.   My studio is becoming somewhat untidy from all the things being brought in.  

When drawing I take time to see the tiny intricate patterns that decorate an acorn cap and the small florets that comprise goldenrod. It is extraordinary the fine detail God has showcased in what seems ordinary.
Thank you for allowing me to share some of life's updates.   May you have a blessed evening!    

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

"Whatever is...

"Whatever is true,
whatever is noble,
whatever is right,

whatever is pure, 
whatever is lovely,     

                   whatever is admirable,

if anything is excellent or praiseworthy -

think about such things."  Philippians 4:8
God Bless!


Seeing this lovely violet patch blooming reminded me that I had been wanting to gather a few.   Many years ago I had candied some to decorat...