Sunday, November 5, 2023

November Walk

 Kelsey and I took a lovely November walk this afternoon.  It was cool but the sun was shining.

As you can see the brilliant colors of October are past and the hills are rather bare without their bright garments.

There are still a few oaks holding onto their leaves.  They always seem to be the last to shed their foliage.  In fact some will last until next spring.

With the time change we will be out much earlier for our walks.  Here in Ohio the weather can be quite unpredictable this time of the year.  We even had snow on Halloween this past week.  Glad it did not last.  There is nothing like sunshine and blue skies to make one's spirit feel more alive.

 Thank you all for stopping by and for your thoughts, sweet words and prayers from my previous post.

This photo was the last one of our Schindler.  We still miss him so much.  

Take care and have a blessed week.



"...let us walk in the light of the Lord."  Isaiah 2:5(b) (NIV) 


  1. Ohio is beautiful year round. The bare trees and cold make being indoors with love ones even more precious. My heart goes out to you for the loss of Shindler. He is a beautiful dog.

  2. Love your sunshine and blue sky pictures! Have a great week, Debbie! Hugs!

  3. Your Schindler was absolutely gorgeous...
    Try to have a sweet week!

  4. Great photos. Thanks for sharing your fall, we don't always get fall colors. Hugs.

  5. I'm glad to see a post from you this morning, Debbie. Your walk sounds so nice, and it looks like it was a pleasant day for it. I've noticed that the leaves on the trees are changing here too. They aren't as bright now. This is a sweet picture of your precious dogs.

    Happy November days, Debbie.


    *I'm glad you mentioned your state, as I wasn't sure where you lived. It's fun to hear a little about the areas where all my blog friends live. ; )

  6. Lovely photos from your walk. It was nice to wake up at 7 this morning and have it be light enough to go out for my walk. Of course I don't have anything quite as scenic to look at since I just walk around my development. At least I do get up and moving...and get to say good morning to a few neighbors. Have a great day, my friend.

  7. Hello my friend...your walk looks lovely, and with your beautiful Kelsey. I know your heart still hurts from losing Schindler. Sending you a hug!

  8. What a pretty place to walk. Nothing beats being outside in pleasant weather. Hope you and Kelsey have many more walks like this.

  9. Wonderful photos. Lots of Love from me and I am praying for you.

  10. Debbie, this is Candy. I've been away from the blogging community long enough to forget how to properly sign in. I'm so sorry about your sweet Schindler. Sending you lots of love from Las Vegas.

  11. Your photos mirror the landscape where I walked with Luna this morning, though it may be a bit muddier here. We have had so much rain recently that we took a little extra time today to enjoy the sun. Wishing you a sunny week and hoping the snow starts later for you this winter.

  12. Your post is a masterpiece of brilliance! Insightful, well-articulated, and truly valuable. Thanks for sharing your perspective.

  13. Hi Debbie. Thank you for sharing this peaceful, beautiful world of yours. It reflects the beauty in your heart...Love, Rita


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