Saturday, April 2, 2022


 It is good to be back.  I have missed all of you and am looking forward to catching up with everyone.

While I was resting the daffodils decided to bloom.  What cheer they bring after a long winter.

These small harbingers of spring "Glory of the Snow" always make me stop and smile.  What they lack in size doesn't keep them from being brave.  Even on a chilly morning their petals are open.

While on break found some extra time to do a bit of painting.   It was good to be back in the studio. 

 It is good spring is finally here.  Hope all is good with each of you.



"See! The winter is past; the rains are over and gone.  Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come, the cooing of doves is heard in our land."  Song of Song 2:11-12 (NIV) 


  1. Happy Spring, enjoyed seeing the spring blooms

  2. I've thought of you so often. I will send a letter...So good to have you back! I LOVE your painting.

  3. Oh, I love this verse, Debbie, and it's true, the mourning doves are coming around more now. I saw one the other day while starting my car up and it flew right in my front yard. They are such peaceful birds. I'm glad Spring is arriving in your area and you had a nice break. The daffodils are pretty and cheerful.

    Happy April days to you, Debbie. It's nice to see a post from you this morning. : )


    1. That was so nice to hear of your Mom's Spring cup collection. I am wondering if you got any of her cups when she passed? When I see a unique cup, I like to buy it, as I like to use different cups now and then for my coffee or tea. : )

  4. Beautiful photos and a super painting! Welcome back and happy spring!

  5. Great to have you back, Debbie! I hope your time away was restorative. Yes, spring has arrived. Lovely photos of these early flowers. We are finally getting some flowers and I've been watching to catch the forsythia at full bloom. Have a wonderful week!

  6. Good to see you back, Debbie! Love your painting!

  7. Lovely display of Spring flowers, so uplifting , and your painting is gorgeous !

  8. Dear Debbie,
    Thank you so much for visiting, and your kind words. Yes, I am glad to be back, and it is so good to see you here . I have missed you.
    Your painting is simply beautiful!

  9. Glad to have you back. Looks like you used your time wisely :)


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