Sunday, February 20, 2022

10 Years

Today I am celebrating 10 years of blogging.  My first post from Harmony Hills was published February 12, 2012.  (To those of you who are new here - that post can be found under Archives on the left).

Essentially this blog was to share art and make friends.  Who could have guessed then where this blog would take me.

With all of you I have had the privilege of traveling the world.  Each person who has stopped by and visited me in the past decade has left a wonderful imprint on my life.

Some have closed their blogs and moved on.  They are missed!  Others though have continued to share their creativity, thoughts, and their lives.  I cannot adequately express how grateful I am for each of you.

As we all so well know life happens and in those happenings we hit bumps along our path.   When we look back though we know that those who come along side of us during those difficult times enriches and encourages our journeys.  Today I give thanks for all of you who have been there with me.  

May we all celebrate the wonderful gift of blogging and friendship.  "Hats off"  my dear friends!



"A friend loves at all times..." Proverbs 17:17 a


  1. Congrats on your years of blogging, I have always enjoyed my blogging friends so much too-hugs

  2. Happy Blogiversary!

    There are bloggers missed from those early days. Thankfully, you have continued on!

  3. I lost track of you for a while, but so grateful to have found you again, Debbie! Happy blog anniversary!

  4. That's wonderful you've been blogging for 10 years Debbie! Your words here are so special to read, and Yes, we do get satisfied with writing our words and sharing our photos and visiting other blogs, but we also get so much more. We get those treasured friends who share the ups and downs of our lives. You are one of those cherished friends, and I truly thank you for that. The photo of your dog went perfectly with your post, as I'm sure is one of your most loyal friends of all. : )

    Have a good week, Debbie.


  5. Happy bloggy birthday! It's funny how the years fly isn't it. I enjoy popping over to visit and look forward to reading the next ten years adventures. My mug is raised in a toast 🎂 now blow out the candles 😉 Best wishes.

  6. I treasure our friendship and I remember the olden days when we were first getting to know each other. It doesn't seem possible it could be 10 years. I'm very thankful for our friendship.

  7. Happy blog anniversary. I am so glad I 'bumped' into you. Your gentle spirit brightens my days.

  8. Bonjour chère amie, Déjà, je te souhaite un joyeux anniversaire pour la création de ton blog !! Ce qui m'a poussée à vérifier à quel moment j'avais commencé le chemin du mien !... le 3 février 2010 !! wouhaou déjà aussi !! 😄
    Il est dommage qu'un grand nombre de bloggers ait arrêté de publier. J'ai retrouvé beaucoup d'entre eux sur Facebook et Instagram. En revanche en ce qui me concerne bien que je sois sur ces réseaux sociaux, j'aime créer mes petits billets sur la blogosphère, qui est un peu mon petit journal.
    J'ai réussi à ne pas être dépendante en ne publiant que lorsque j'en ai envie.
    C'est toujours un immense plaisir que d'entrouvrir la porte de ton univers.
    Que cette belle aventure continue !! Je t'embrasse affectueusement,
    Bisous bisous

  9. Congratulations, Debbie! I've enjoyed your posts and I think this week's picture is one of my favorite ones so far! --Marcia S. (sorry, I don't have Google and often can't comment).

    1. Ah ha, I figured out a way around it, this time anyway... :)

    2. Marcia thank you for taking time to visit me. I think you are on word press now because cannot find you on e-blogger. Hope you are surviving this wild winter. being in the Northern part of the U.S. I am sure you have had some tough weather. Take care and thanks again for stopping by. Hugs!

  10. I love the blogging world. Live journals and keeping in touch. Happy I found your blog. Love your photos, artwork and thoughts. Congrats on 10 years!

  11. Congratulations, Debbie! It's nice to have your pretty corner of the world to explore :) Without having to shovel snow myself!

  12. Congratulations and thank you for adding to my blogging joy!

  13. Congratulations Debbie, go for another ten more, and then another ten and so on.
    Thank you for sharing so much beauty of your land with all of us and making us known by this means part of it.
    Best Regards

  14. Congratulations, Debbie. I'm so grateful for you in this world and for your wonderful, peaceful sharing. I also started in 2012, but haven't been as consistent as you. I've come back after another pause...Isn't it amazing, the gifts that this blogging world has brought. I will check the date of my 1st post...


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