Sunday, August 29, 2021

Count Down

 August has started the count down.  Only two days remain this month.

Whew it certainly went fast.  

Last week the "doggy days" were here.  The temps were in the high 80's and 90's with humidity being up there as well.

The Rose of Sharon is still blessing us with a few blossoms but it is winding down as September approaches.

The Fritillary moth stopped and paid a visit.  She didn't seem  bothered by the heat.

The zucchini continues to be abundant.  Some made it into these delectable muffins.  Is it not amazing how a veggie baked up in a sugary treat takes on a whole different taste?

The morning glories are taking over the garden, lawn, and anywhere they so please.  I think they know it is time to spread their glory.  

Well dear friends I will leave you for now.  Hope your final count down of August is joyful.

P.S. Thank you for all your sweet condolences and comments on the passing of my dear friend.

Hugs to Each of You!


"Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment."  1 Tim. 6:17


  1. Well, yes, it seems that this hot month is ending here, dry, what has fallen is to damage everything and wanting to start September, month of return, of tranquility after summer, of the return to normality.
    Happy week.
    Best regards.

  2. I am glad August is about over. It is my least favorite month. Hopefully September will bring cooler weather.

  3. Love your flowers and zucchini. Yummy. We grow zilch so fun to see …. and eat. In South America one of our friends would put sweet pea flowers in our salads .. pretty and tasty.

  4. Zucchini bread makes for a delicious breakfast, lunch, and a light dinner. :)

  5. Yes, that's amazing that zucchini muffins taste so good. I have heard of the Rose of Sharon
    before. Yours are so pretty and still hanging on. And a lovely photo of the moth. Looks like
    a butterfly. I can't believe August is over. I really like the verse that you shared today, Debbie,
    as riches mean nothing when one doesn't have God in their heart and life. Have a wonderful week.


    *thank you for your comforting words about my nephew who just passed.

  6. As I write this we are even closer to the end of August. You have so many lovely things to see in your garden and it looks like your zucchini has been well used. I've had zucchini bread but never zucchini muffins. I don't think someone could use them in something I didn't like though. Wishing you a wonderful week as Labor Day quickly approaches. I love to have Autumn approach but always have a hard time saying goodbye to these beautiful sunny summer days.

  7. Beautiful photos! I'm curious about the zucchini muffins. I may try baking some. I'd never heard of them before. I made zucchini fries this week - sliced zucchini, egg white, dried bread crumbs and freshly grated parmesan cheese baked at 425. They turned out delicious. Thank you for the lovely post. Have a wonderful day, Debbie!

    1. Candy the recipe is on Pinterest - super duper zucchini muffins. If you visit me there it is under my board of breads. I must try those zucchini fries...they sound excellent. Hugs

  8. I was named after the Rose of Sharon in Song of Solomon. Love the butterfly. Thin I'm going to start painting them agin.

  9. Bonjour ma chère Debbie,
    Oui notre bel été va s'en allé ! Nous sommes aujourd'hui le 1er septembre.
    Dans le sud de la France, à Golfe-Juan où je vis nous avons eu la chance d'avoir eu une belle saison, meilleure qu'ailleurs en France.
    En ce qui me concerne, cette prochaine saison n'est pas celle que je préfère. Je préfère et de loin le printemps avec toutes les couleurs fraîches et les verts acidulés...
    Merci de partager avec nous ces belles photos.
    Je te fais de gros bisous

  10. Good use of zucchini... August in your area looks lovely. Hope September is just as beautiful.

  11. Our zuke has been overabundant too-some of the fruits are enormous! I hope your September is beautiful.

  12. Luckily you always find ways to use the abundance of zucchini, the muffins look yummy and light. August just came and went , too fast , and we can already feel the change in the weather. Wonderful autumn colors are awaiting :-))


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