Saturday, December 5, 2015


                                                      I awoke this morning to that special phenomenon -  hoarfrost.

It is when fog meets froth.  

  Every branch...


and twig were coated with glimmering ice crystals.

Unharvested corn wore a frosty coat...

while a gossamer spider's threads were woven like a crocheted doily.

It may have been cold and gray but we enjoyed seeing this special phenomenon of beauty.

Hope you did too.    Have a wonderful week.    

God Bless!



  1. Wow fantastic photos. It looked a lot like that here too, not as much frost, but foggy. Loved your words.

  2. We had that also - now I know what it's name is! Thank you for the beautiful photos.

  3. Oh how I love a hoar frost - when nature performs a special miracle. So beautiful.

  4. Gorgeous photos, dear friend. I really needed this today. Thank you so much!

  5. So beautiful ...even so cold! Thanks for sharing these wonderful nature creations.
    Have nice sunday,Rita

  6. Beautiful pictures. The land looks magical.

  7. SOOO GORGEOUS!!!! This could be the view from my window this morning -- but it was too cold for me to go outside and take a photo!!! Absolutely love it!

  8. It is a beautiful sight! Nature looks so quiet all of a sudden...The spider thread with its fragile look is specially amazing. Hugs Debbie

  9. Wow! Amazing photos Debbie! Definitely Gods Country!!

  10. Now that is impressive! This is when one really appreciates the "weeds" in the meadow, they get to "Dress up" every once in awhile.

  11. I love fog and this is just the icing on the cake!! Pun intended? Maybe :) Thanks for sharing these gorgeous photos. My fave is the spider's web all lacy and white and as delicate as fine spun candy floss. Have a wonderful week to come.

  12. Hoarfrost is so pretty. I've never experienced it first hand, of course, but I truly enjoyed these beautiful photos of this phenomenon.

  13. Wow! Very beautiful. I don't know that I have seen this exactly before. We get ice crystals on the grass but I haven't seen everything decorated with it. Glad that you braved the cold to take those photos. Thank you!

  14. I've never experienced in person and am enjoying these gorgeous photos. It IS quite a phenomenon, isn't it?!

  15. oh my gosh so magical and misty

  16. Hi Debbie, I agree....this is sooo beautiful! God gives us so much to see!! When we see something different or unusual in the sky/weather, it's like God is speaking to us from the heavens with his painting for the day~~~Sorry, I haven't been blogging/responding much these last months...but I do read. So much going on, I have needed a break and have pulled back. Hope you are doing well......Blessings for a Merry Christmas!! Roxie

  17. I enjoyed seeing your lovely photos! They have a magical feel to them. I hope you had a wonderful day and will have a great week!

  18. Gorgeous photos. Mother Nature continues to amaze.
    Have a wonderful week.

  19. The natural art of nature, so beautiful and atmospheric ! Wishing you a lovely week.

  20. So pretty--I can just imagine the hush, too.

  21. Debbie, you've captured this so beautifully in your photographs! We've had much more fog this winter too... hoping for some snow next week! Helps me get in the holiday mood! We need a little Christmas now!

  22. It looks magical, your photos really transmit the beauty of nature!

  23. Beautiful photos, Debbie! The hoarfrost creates such an exquisite effect. Thank you for sharing your photos.
    Hugs to you

  24. What a spectacular phenomenon! Thanks for sharing Debbie. Looks like you're truly in winter weather now!

  25. These are gorgeous. I love these scenes of winter beauty. Beautiful doggie too.


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